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Old 02-03-2009, 01:18 PM
BigDiesel07's Avatar
Big MVP Diesel
Pocket PC: TOUCH PRO 2
Carrier: Sprint
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Lightbulb Carrier shortcuts

Here is a good list of some shortcuts for users of Sprint, T-Mobile, Verizon, and AT&T.. Included...

Send free text messages via e-mail. The person receiving the message still has to pay for these—but you won't have to, and that's what counts, right? Simply enter the person's phone number, along with the appropriate carrier-specific e-mail address from those listed below, into any e-mail client. The result will appear on the person's phone as an SMS text message. Note: All phone numbers are 10 digits with no dashes (example: 2125551212).

Alltel: [phone number]@message.alltel.com
AT&T: [Phone Number]@txt.att.net
Nextel: [Phone Number]@messaging.nextel.com
Sprint: [Phone Number]@messaging.sprintpcs.com
T-Mobile: [Phone Number]@tmomail.net
Verizon: [Phone Number]@vtext.com
Virgin Mobile: [Phone Number]@vmobl.com

Skip over someone's voice-mail greeting. Tired of your aunt's "Macarena"-backed voicemail greeting? Chances are, when it comes to her and anyone else whose greeting you're sick of, you already know their carriers. Here's how to skip ahead and get right to the important part: leaving a message.

AT&T: press #
Sprint: press 1
T-Mobile: press #
Verizon: press *

Find out how many minutes you've used this month. Not sure if you're about to blow through your allotted voice minute total and send your monthly bill soaring? Try these shortcuts:
AT&T: Dial *646#
Sprint: Dial *4
T-Mobile: Dial #646#
Verizon: Dial #646

Save, navigate, or delete a voice-mail message while you're listening to it. You already know you have to call Bob back about the Oaxley account—because you just did. Except that only now, you're hearing the long and unnecessary voice mail message he left yesterday about it. Here's how to delete it as soon as it starts playing:

AT&T: 77 (Delete)'; 33 and then 9 (Save); 3 (Fast Forward); 1 (Rewind)
Sprint: 7 (Delete); 9 (Save); 3 (Fast Forward); 1 (Rewind)
T-Mobile: 7 (Delete); 9 (Save); 3 (Fast Forward); 1 (Rewind)
Verizon: 7 (Delete); 9 (Save); 3 (Fast Forward); 1 (Rewind)
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