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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2009, 03:16 PM
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Should i dump Verizon and come to Sprint for HTC Touch Pro?

Sorry for asking a newbish question, but i am in market for a new phone.
HTC Touch Pro looks like a great phone, but Verizon has severly crippled it. The only reason i am with Verzion is because of their coverage, but isn't Sprint just as good? Or am i wrong.

I would like to use the phone for being able to surf the web on the go, but also i'd like to tether it to my laptop for internet access.
Another thing, and i don't know if it's possible, i'd like to use it as a GPS reciever connected to my car computer with bluetooth. Is that even possible?

Thanks in advance!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2009, 03:23 PM
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Re: Should i dump Verizon and come to Sprint for HTC Touch Pro?


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Old 01-28-2009, 03:26 PM
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Re: Should i dump Verizon and come to Sprint for HTC Touch Pro?

Originally Posted by the3rd View Post
I should've mentioned that i've seen that thread, but is it worth it? Why go through this convoluted process if Sprint has the same quality network, and costs less.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2009, 03:37 PM
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Re: Should i dump Verizon and come to Sprint for HTC Touch Pro?

Originally Posted by MaybePurple View Post
I should've mentioned that i've seen that thread, but is it worth it? Why go through this convoluted process if Sprint has the same quality network, and costs less.
I am not really sure why people ask these questions. You know the difference between the phones, you know the difference with the network and the price of the plans and yet..here you are asking US what YOU should do...baffles the mind.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2009, 03:39 PM
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Re: Should i dump Verizon and come to Sprint for HTC Touch Pro?

The only reason i'm with Verizon is because Sprint doesnt offer as good of coverage in my area. So I would say if your worried about the coverage Sprint offers, then stay with Verizon and get the Touch Pro. The only thing I dislike about my Verizon Touch Pro is the lack of memory.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2009, 03:41 PM
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Re: Should i dump Verizon and come to Sprint for HTC Touch Pro?

Why not get a Sprint touch Pro and read the thread about getting it to work on the VZW network?
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Old 01-28-2009, 03:42 PM
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Re: Should i dump Verizon and come to Sprint for HTC Touch Pro?

Originally Posted by MaybePurple View Post
I should've mentioned that i've seen that thread, but is it worth it? Why go through this convoluted process if Sprint has the same quality network, and costs less.
Of course it's worth it, that's why everybody's doing it??

Sprint does NOT have the "same quality network", believe me it's not even close. I had Sprint service for two miserable years & even though I could now have a free Sprint phone I chose to pay for my own VZ service.

I do use a Sprint TP converted to VZ however.

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2009, 03:44 PM
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Re: Should i dump Verizon and come to Sprint for HTC Touch Pro?

Originally Posted by aceracer24 View Post
I am not really sure why people ask these questions. You know the difference between the phones, you know the difference with the network and the price of the plans and yet..here you are asking US what YOU should do...baffles the mind.
I don't know the difference between networks, that's why i am asking the question. I can't seem to find any concrete information.
One place i looked said that the networks are identical, others say they are not.
Originally Posted by kyle4269 View Post
The only reason i'm with Verizon is because Sprint doesn't offer as good of coverage in my area. So I would say if your worried about the coverage Sprint offers, then stay with Verizon and get the Touch Pro. The only thing I dislike about my Verizon Touch Pro is the lack of memory.
Thank you, so the coverage does vary, that helps.

Can someone answer the second part of my question? Can i use the phone as a GPS receiver? Ideally, I'd like to connect it to my laptop though bluetooth, and just have the phone relay the coordinates to the laptop, where i'll be running the navigation software.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2009, 03:45 PM
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Re: Should i dump Verizon and come to Sprint for HTC Touch Pro?

Sprints netwrok coverage is reletive to your specific location. Don't try to make it sound as though Sprint has bad coverage everywhere because thats not even close to true. I can go skiing and get a Sprint signal in the mountains while Verizon users are not. This is specific to my area and does not represent the kind of coverage someone in Indiana might get. Seriously people....plus each phone is different. Some pick up signals better then others.

Originally Posted by MaybePurple View Post
I don't know the difference between networks, that's why i am asking the question. I can't seem to find any concrete information.
One place i looked said that the networks are identical, others say they are not. Thank you, so the coverage does vary, that helps.

Can someone answer the second part of my question? Can i use the phone as a GPS receiver? Ideally, I'd like to connect it to my laptop though bluetooth, and just have the phone relay the coordinates to the laptop, where i'll be running the navigation software.
The network structure is the same (EVDO/CDMA) but that doesn't mean both will have the same reception. That depends on the amount of towers each has and in what area's. You would have to find out how both are doing in your specific area to know which is really performing better.

Last edited by aceracer24; 01-28-2009 at 03:52 PM.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2009, 03:50 PM
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Re: Should i dump Verizon and come to Sprint for HTC Touch Pro?

I use Sprint and enjoy it because it is less and with roaming only I usually haven't had any signal issues. However, I do know individuals that do go places where Verizon would be the better choice because of the amount of coverage they do offer. Best bet either find someone with Sprint and test the signal strength or do the 30 day trial and see what signal you get. If it's good enough stick with Sprint with Sprint if not stick with Verizon and do the tutorial above.

Originally Posted by MaybePurple View Post
I should've mentioned that i've seen that thread, but is it worth it? Why go through this convoluted process if Sprint has the same quality network, and costs less.
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