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Old 01-26-2009, 10:37 PM
dfspot's Avatar
Pocket PC: HTC Fuze
Carrier: AT&T
Location: Atlanta, GA
Join Date: Nov 2007
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Thumbs down I Love the Touch Pro but Sprint had to go...

I must preface this by saying I Love the HTC family of products (I had the mogul and original touch) but Sprint has lost a 7 customer. It all began with intermittent power issues, then the poor phone wouldn't sync and while driving in rush hour Atlanta Traffic the screen just starting dying (oh did I mention I drive a manual) . Because I knew I was having issues for the past 3 weeks, I put my tp back to stock and relocked it ready to have the "professional tech" troubleshoot it. I went to the store as I was instructed, and was told they were out of stock and because I was able to make calls and they didn’t register any issues with the phone. I wouldn’t receive a loaner and would have to come back.

Now please understand I'm no noob, I reflashed, replace sd card, tried all the tweaks, contacted HTC and Microsoft, replaced chargers, even reformatted my laptop and nothing worked. I had been to store and worked with tech support over the phone earlier in the week. Oh and I dummied down so the techs will speak freely while troubleshooting, to get insight on a fix. I'm a former IT Director and have a masters in accounting so I've had a little education.

Well that day was the last straw, the rep didn’t realize I paid full price for the phone and my contract expired 2 days earlier. He treated as if I had no options because he saw the new phone and ASSumed ne contract. I made mind that by the service Sprint had provided over the past 7 years they would never get another shot or dime. While in the store I called a few co-workers and did a quick survey of how their providers were treating them and their coverage. And was asked to leave and did the whole carrier. And the funny thing about Mini-Malls there is always competition next door.

To make a long story short I went with at&t HTC Fuze aka Touch Pro... And I must say the gsm touch is miles ahead. Without Flashing and Tweaking Out the box it's a killer. FM radio, Audio Fixed, Bluetooth works, battery life and maybe it's just me but it's prettier LOL.

Things I've notice the sprint has crippled the phone so bad it has effected the real performance. And I know you are saying "you got a bad unit" did I mention this was the 3rd and everyone I know with the sprint touch pro is having similar issues. I'm a road warrior with a phone "If you advertise it... it better do it"... and I did I mention I got it for 149.00, they price matched the internet, so and I still have another $50 rebate. Over 2 years I will pay $15 more a month but the product is well worth it.

I Love the phone and I miss the cdma chefs you are the best ... you guys i will miss …dream_phyre, Juicy, Juggalo_X, jakdillard
as of 1/21/09
update: Sprint Pissed me Off
Former owner of:
Blackberry * Mogul * Touch * Diamond* Sprint Touch Pro

May they all RIP in EBay Hell lol...
May Sprint have a hostile take over... they lost a 8yr customer

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