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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-04-2015, 12:56 PM
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The latest & greatest device for developers. What say you?

Are there any foreseeable limitations on the up-and-coming latest and greatest devices? When I bought my galaxy S5, I hadn't anticipated it ever being a developer non friendly device as it is today... Or am I missing something. I'm in at&t network with it... It's expected glitchy and I wanted root & custom Rom, but I guess developers gave up on it...
So now, what are the best options for a promising device?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2015, 07:59 PM
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Re: The latest & greatest device for developers. What say you?

Nexus devices seem to get more development. My Nexus 6 also should be well supported for a long time to go.
Former Windows Mobile enthusiast and developer, now a modder working on Android. I still have my PPC 6700 and HTC Touch, but I'm rocking a OnePlus 7 Pro
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2015, 08:18 PM
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Re: The latest & greatest device for developers. What say you?

Ya that sends to make sense. Seems to me that nexus 5 & 6 are a bit lacking in the hardware department... Cameras don't seem to be as nice as Samsung phones, I just get the impression they're nice phones. idk, maybe someone who these devices could elaborate.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2015, 12:18 AM
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Re: The latest & greatest device for developers. What say you?

The camera my N6 has is good hardware, the Google camera app is functional, but I admit that Samsungs camera is much better and has features that others don't but there are good apps like open camera, manual camera, a few others that have more features. I'm still getting good pix with the Google camera. It's the rest of the package that's so easy rooted and customized. I'm running PureNexus on the last LP version, waiting for the M version to have all the features ported. Bottom line, the freedom of Nexus devices is what drew me in.
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