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Old 03-21-2011, 06:11 AM
Try619's Avatar
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Carrier: Sprint
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Negociating new Sprint contract?

I have 2 lines on the Sprint family plan one of which is an Evo so naturally I have to pay the $10 data fee. I got the Evo on July 29th 2010. Living in San Diego I have no 4g, at first I had no problam paying the $10 fee because I figured that eventually San Diego would get 4g. 8 months later and no 4g in sight and with rumors of Sprint going to LTE it will be years before Sprint will get 4g. So my question is if I call Sprint and threaten to switch to Verizon and get the Thunderbolt which LTE is available in my area will Sprint wave the $10 fee? I would never switch because Verizon is so expensive but Sprint dosent have to know that. Also if they do decide to wave the fee, what else can I do to get them to lower my bill? I'm curious to hear what some of you guys and ladies plans are and what you did/or say to Sprint to get your bill lower. Anyway I appreciate any feed back thank you.
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