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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2011, 04:57 PM
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my sprint contract is up, what can i bargain?

what can I get for a new contract with sprint?

i want to switch to either EVO or EVO shift but they say they can only give me the EVO for $200 and the shift for $150 which are the prices for new contracts.

is there nay room for additional bargain?

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2011, 05:23 PM
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Wirelessly posted (WP7 Beta Tester: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows Phone OS 7.0; Trident/3.1; IEMobile/7.0; HTC; HD7))

Tell them you want to cancel service, retention gives the deals .
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2011, 05:26 PM
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Re: my sprint contract is up, what can i bargain?

do you think they will toss me an EVO? lol
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2011, 05:33 PM
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Wirelessly posted (WP7 Beta Tester: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows Phone OS 7.0; Trident/3.1; IEMobile/7.0; HTC; HD7))

They offered me the evo for $49, the epic $99 a couple months back .
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2011, 06:42 PM
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Re: my sprint contract is up, what can i bargain?

Originally Posted by Dr.8820 View Post
They offered me the evo for $49, the epic $99 a couple months back .
Wow!! And let me reiterate, WOW!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2011, 07:03 PM
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Re: my sprint contract is up, what can i bargain?

Pffft, that's not a good negotiation deal:

Brief history of what I've gotten with Sprint:

Signup: I worked for BestBuy at the time, so I got -22%/mo recurring on a 550 Fair/Flex family plan (3 lines)

2 Year ReSign: I negotiated free unlimited data pack for one of my lines, and 500 txt messages for $1/mo on that line. A $100 resign credit is also applied to my account

2nd 2 year resign: I negotiated -$19.95/mo recurring discount. A $100 resign credit is applied to my account.

Sum: I paid $51.62 AFTER taxes/fees last month for 3 lines of service. [And yes, my line is the line with unlimited data]
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2011, 07:51 PM
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Re: my sprint contract is up, what can i bargain?

They dont do reoccurring discounts anymore much...and to get new device you'll either have to have everything plan, sero premium, EREP(the new sero)...

But they will charge ya $10 extra every month for smartphone fee extra too..


Right now you can get some deals off 3rd party like wirefly and amazon on the phone costs even withot bargaining too..

And lastly.. Epic > Evo shift > Evo

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Last edited by gTen; 03-06-2011 at 07:54 PM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2011, 07:56 PM
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Re: my sprint contract is up, what can i bargain?

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
They dont do reoccurring discounts anymore much...and to get new device you'll either have to have everything plan, sero premium, EREP(the new sero)...

But they will charge ya $10 extra every month for smartphone fee extra too..
Yes, i am off contract because despite >6 years with Sprint they just want me to pay more. I do not need 4G but they want to make me pay a "smartphone" fee for a new phone whatever type.

Currently I am playing with the Android builds, but not really sure what I will do post-TP2. It looks like I could get a better deal from ATT right now.
Sprint: G1000, HTC-6600, 6800, TP2 now Optimus S with Stock Android 2.2.2.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2011, 08:25 PM
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Re: my sprint contract is up, what can i bargain?

I personally brought 420 business lines to Sprint then when I wanted to upgrade my personal phone to TP2 a year ago, my business rep couldn't be found.... So I contacted Sprint CS, they said: "sorry, but your personal plan only shows 4 lines, we don't see 420 bus phones associated with it anywhere, otherwise we would be happy to ship you a new TP2". The contract on the 420 lines is up now and now my rep is like a hemoroid on my ass, just want let go... 2 - 4 voice mail messages a day from my rep with "when can you renew the contract ?" I remember how I was jerked around last year and sorry to say, but wether I renew a contract with Sprint or not, I want to screw with them first....
Yes, the rep did not owe me a TP2 and yes, Sprint CS did not have to get me a TP2 either, however a call to explain whether they could offer me a discount on the phone or not based on the 420 lines, I think this much could`ve been expected.... So, my expactations from Sprint are nowhere near of getting excited. I know that a couple of years ago I received a call from Sprint out of the blue and their rep just offered a $280 credit to my account if I renew the contract. So, pick up the phone and call and see what happens, I doubt you are going to get anything to be excited about, but good luck anyway...
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2011, 08:35 PM
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Re: my sprint contract is up, what can i bargain?

Originally Posted by jerryyyyy View Post
Yes, i am off contract because despite >6 years with Sprint they just want me to pay more. I do not need 4G but they want to make me pay a "smartphone" fee for a new phone whatever type.

Currently I am playing with the Android builds, but not really sure what I will do post-TP2. It looks like I could get a better deal from ATT right now.
Yeah..they are making it a $10 fee for all smart phones..I mean lets look at it this way..sprint said "its not a 4g fee your paying for the processor"..but this year I expect even medium tiered phones will have 1ghz processors..so their argument is moot..so they decided to $10 fee all smartphones claiming they use more "bandwidth"..overall though I see Sprint is going to loose a lot of customers this year :/..
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