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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-11-2011, 10:32 PM
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Screen died, unable to transfer apps, contacts, etc.

Hey all,

My wife accidentally dropped her Sprint Epic today and the screen died. Apparently the phone itself still works but not the screen (not exactly certain what happened since she's visiting family in another state). Well, we have the protection plan so she went to the local Sprint repair store. After an hour of waiting, they finally told her that they were going to just give her a new phone since it was going to take too long to fix the other one (they were only going to replace the screen). Sounds great, but... they told her that they could not transfer any of her apps, contacts, etc. over from the old phone since the screen is no longer working. Huh?! WTF?! I find this hard to believe and wanted to get other's thoughts and opinions about it.

I have an HTC TP2 and I know there are apps that allow you to connect it to a PC and see everything that's on the phone (Activesync). Isn't there something like this for the Android phones? Personally, I think the techs were being lazy and didn't want to do any more work than necessary. Additionally, my wife tells me that some of the bloatware that was on the original phone is not on the new one (navigation for one). Not that I mind a whole lot but it makes me wonder what else is not there that should be.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2011, 11:36 AM
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Re: Screen died, unable to transfer apps, contacts, etc.

carriers dont need to restore contacts and never restore apps on android...

contacts go through gmail/google, so when she sets up the new phone the contacts will come back on their own...

downloaded apps list stay in the market when you sign back in to use it, but yuoull have to re-install.. or if you use App Brain, you can easily re-download your apps.. theres also ways to back up apps via market apps...

so the techs werent really jerking you around..
Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"
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