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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 12-09-2010, 12:44 AM
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Re: how much do you pay?

Originally Posted by NIKKG View Post
I got the iphone 4 on ATT. I get 25% off corporate discount, so my bills is about $60 total including tax.

I get 450 minutes + 5000 extra rollover + NW & M2M, unlimited data (grand fathered) and 200 text messages a month. I get around the text messaging limit by using a free iphone app called TextFree that gives you unlimited texting to a real number (ad supported, also can make calls too) directly through the iphone.

If I wanted more unlimited minutes, you can use Skype through 3G at 2.99 a month for callouts, but I hardly go over the limit since I mostly just text. Since I got unlimited data and my phone is jailbroken, I can also tether using the Cydia app called MyWi. 3G speed in my area usually goes between 2-5 mbps, its almost as fast as my DSL.

I probably got the cheapest plan you can probably have on ATT, its almost like the SERO 1250 on Sprint I had before on my TP2, but on a much much better phone.
That is pretty cheap for an Iphony plan! Much Better Phone, How's Flash video from websites working for ya?

Last edited by gullzway; 12-09-2010 at 12:50 AM.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 12-09-2010, 12:52 AM
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Go for boost mobile $50 per month...worry free..no contract...

Sent from my HTC EVO 4G using Tapatalk
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 12-09-2010, 10:34 AM
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Re: how much do you pay?

Originally Posted by gullzway View Post
That is pretty cheap for an Iphony plan! Much Better Phone, How's Flash video from websites working for ya?
You know what, I don't see what the big deal is with Flash, it seems all the sites work fine for me on HTML5. I thought I would miss Flash, but its been a total non-issue. You can get flash via Skyfire browser, but I don't even bother to use it. I think because iphones have such a big market share that all the websites started to redesign their pages for HTML5 since its an open standard, which is good for everyone since flash is clunky and old school.

The only problem is that the retina display is too sharp and clear that now I start to notice all the pixels on all the other gadgets I have and its starting to bug me. Even my old 3GS and my laptop, I'm starting to notice all those big pixels and it just doesn't look right to me after you get spoiled with the iP4.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 12-09-2010, 12:20 PM
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Re: how much do you pay?

Oh, My friend was over Saturday with his iphone4. Every website that I went to to stream Live Football games on my Epic, i.e. channelsurfing.net, firstrow.net, atdhe.net, etc.

None of them worked on his iphone even using Skyfire, he was pissed!
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 12-09-2010, 12:48 PM
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Re: how much do you pay?

Originally Posted by gullzway View Post
Oh, My friend was over Saturday with his iphone4. Every website that I went to to stream Live Football games on my Epic, i.e. channelsurfing.net, firstrow.net, atdhe.net, etc.

None of them worked on his iphone even using Skyfire, he was pissed!
To each their own, I go to mostly news sites. Also, I don't like watching movies or sports on a phone, I'd rather watch it on my Sony 46" LCD HD TV. Makes to sense to watch something on a small screen when you got a big TV. I got Netflix on my iphone too but never watch it, I usually stream Netflix movies on my HTPC connected to my TV.

I am not going to say the iP4 is best in the world because thats a personal choice. To me its the best phone I ever had so far and I've had many. If something better comes along, I'll get it, but I see no reason for the time being.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2010, 02:38 AM
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Originally Posted by NIKKG View Post
To each their own, I go to mostly news sites. Also, I don't like watching movies or sports on a phone, I'd rather watch it on my Sony 46" LCD HD TV. Makes to sense to watch something on a small screen when you got a big TV. I got Netflix on my iphone too but never watch it, I usually stream Netflix movies on my HTPC connected to my TV.

I am not going to say the iP4 is best in the world because thats a personal choice. To me its the best phone I ever had so far and I've had many. If something better comes along, I'll get it, but I see no reason for the time being.
Hence cellphone, mostly for use when you're NOT at home.

Just read that last part. You actually gave up a Sero plan? I just picked one up a few months ago, best investment I've made. You could have downgraded it to a sero 500 and went to sero premium, and be rocking an Epic for $50/month!

Sent from my Epic 3G on SERO.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2010, 04:12 PM
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Re: how much do you pay?

Originally Posted by gullzway View Post
Hence cellphone, mostly for use when you're NOT at home.

Just read that last part. You actually gave up a Sero plan? I just picked one up a few months ago, best investment I've made. You could have downgraded it to a sero 500 and went to sero premium, and be rocking an Epic for $50/month!

Sent from my Epic 3G on SERO.
The reason I quit Sprint in the first place was because I barely had service at my home and I needed something reliable. I could only get a signal if I had the phone near a window. I even tried the airrave, but it sucked, it wasn't too reliable and gave me alot of missed calls. So even though I had a great deal with the SERO plan, it wouldn't do me any good if I had no service. ATT's signal is much stronger at my home, so I'm sticking to them for now. Trust me, quiting a $30 SERO plan was a very painful decision
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2010, 04:16 PM
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Re: how much do you pay?

Originally Posted by NIKKG View Post
The reason I quit Sprint in the first place was because I barely had service at my home and I needed something reliable. I could only get a signal if I had the phone near a window. I even tried the airrave, but it sucked, it wasn't too reliable and gave me alot of missed calls. So even though I had a great deal with the SERO plan, it wouldn't do me any good if I had no service. ATT's signal is much stronger at my home, so I'm sticking to them for now. Trust me, quiting a $30 SERO plan was a very painful decision
I don't mean to make this more painful that it was for you, but Google: airave airvana. Make sure you don't have any alocohol, guns, or small children nearby if you do Google it.

SERO500 4 life! Or until they say get the hell out you bastid!
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2010, 04:37 PM
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Re: how much do you pay?

I have a family everything plan too.
129/ mo 2 tp2
19.99 my father inlaw's dumb phone
7.00 x 2 insurance.
23% work discount
10% credit union discount.

Unlimited EVERYTHING but calls to landline numbers (1500 ) international calls also not included.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2010, 01:56 AM
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Re: how much do you pay?

Originally Posted by quick99si View Post
I don't mean to make this more painful that it was for you, but Google: airave airvana. Make sure you don't have any alocohol, guns, or small children nearby if you do Google it.

SERO500 4 life! Or until they say get the hell out you bastid!
It don't matter because you still need to hook it up to your router. The problem I had with my airrave is that I download alot of large media files and so the airrave would disconnect or the voice quality became terrible since I was using the same dsl line to download. Trust me, that airrave sucked, it wasn't reliable at all.
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