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Old 06-29-2010, 11:21 PM
Mojary's Avatar
PPCG's Travelling Nomad
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Sprint to decommission $2/day int'l data plan

one of the member trying to get help in getting this plan for his upcoming trip posted in the tp2 forum. he said the sprint worldwide customer service informed him that Sprint will decommision this particular add-on effective July 11 of this year. seems like they're not replacing it ith anything but sticking to the $0.16/kb roaming charge. looks like it seems like its true because ive searched everywhere on sprint's website and can't see this add-on anymore. it was still in ther international roaming page back in april when i took my last trip and called about it. but now, all you can access is their pricing list for different countries.

so you guys have between now and 7/11 to get this added if you're taking a trip soon.
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