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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-16-2010, 01:06 PM
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ATT @ Walmart

So I was walking in the wal-mart with my dad because we were doing some service work on their refrigeration. Wal-mart service tech screwed up so I have nothing to do to day but anyways...

Walking down walmart, passed the electronics sections and the Walmart guy is going over phones for ATT with this other guy.

First thing the guy asks was if he could get internet and how much for it

Walmart guy goes: well you got the $25 plan for 2 gigs a months or the $15 plan for 200 MB a month. Which we all know about this, but i couldn't help to feel like that guy is screwed royally up his arse. Seriously, my g/f has ATT and her voice quality sucks, always get static in the background, and if the call lasts more than 10 minutes the call will get dropped and she can FULL bars.

For all those Att customers that do get decent to good service and are happy with what you pay. congrats!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-16-2010, 07:22 PM
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Re: ATT @ Walmart

AT&T sure loves to screw their best customers, the iphone users. how can Apple release a new phone every year and have people sign 2 year agreements? Now with these tiered data plans, i believe people who renew are subject to the new tiered pricing and increased ETF fees.

so basically once the Apple exclusivity ends, AT&T will be toast.

also, the iphone 4G has incredibly deceptive marketing. everyone knows Sprint is rolling out 4G so when they hear iphone 4G, they will think it runs on 4G network. they sure will be disappointed when they find out its still the same 3G network. i wonder how much data the new facetalk feature will suck up lol

im not hating on the iphone or anything. its an incredible device, but stuck on a crappy network.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-16-2010, 11:34 PM
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Re: ATT @ Walmart

Agreed. The iphone is fun to play with from time to time and is a great device if you aren't into what the android/wm phones can provide you with.

I've always hated Att's name, they should have stuck with Cingular and made their plans more competitive to Sprint's. If they did that from the start they probably wouldn't have such an overload on their cellular network
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