Re: Verizon lemon policy
I was actually going to ask the same question im on my 3rd TP2. I need this info as well. P.S do not get omnia 2. I tried it and not goo
Re: Verizon lemon policy
at least as of 2.5 years ago they did, after 3 exchanges the 4th is eligible for an advanced exchange but it does use up your upgrade from what I remember.
If I helped you feel free to buy me a beer https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/websc...=H82G7AW4ZWC5Q
Re: Verizon lemon policy
If you have more than 3 exchanges all within of 90 days they will give you a different device.
If you have wifi and GPS on your phone, click link below for Navizon. Navizon gives you money to log wifi and cell phone towers.
http://my.navizon.com/Webapps/UserAd...e=585A56575E5E |
Re: Verizon lemon policy
I hate to say it...that policy got removed effective 1/18/2010.
My Touch Pro Using Skyfire...
Re: Verizon lemon policy
Yep it is true the policy was removed...
The first rep I talked to though was rude as hell, so I called back got another rep and he is sending me an Incredible for $100! Cannot wait! Supposed to ship by 7/20... Just have one more month with this POS Omnia. Can't wait to get another HTC. Miss my TP... Very happy with that one! Considering I haven't paid for a phone in 5 years! |
Re: Verizon lemon policy
I hate vzn with all my soul. Rude sobs. They nickle n dime you to death and never give you credit even thou its their fault. I hear they come to your funeral and rob your casket at night too.