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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2010, 01:08 PM
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Angry My Sprint store rant!!

OK so I decided to add a line to my Everything Data Share plan, currently two phones on it and I wanted to add a third and port over my land line #... Not that hard to understand, so I go to my local Sprint store throw the phone up on the counter (that I already own) and throw the AT&T landline bill up and say to the punk teenager "I want to add this phone to my EverythingData plan and I want it to have this number... I didn't think it was to much to ask????

So he punches a few buttons and make a phone call and says you're all set, he never picked up the phone so I say what did you do? He says I added that number (landline) to your account!!! So I'm like you didn't add the phone what did you do replace a number? He said yes I replaced your main line number... WHAT!!! So he deleted my main acct number (my phone number)

So I tell him he's an idiot and I want my number back and to add "this" phone and make it "that" number again... So he panics and runs into the office and gets on the phone again. So I wait over 30min and he never comes out.. I ask to speak to the manager and she comes out and appologizes and such, I tell her I have to leave for I have to be somewhere (I've been in the store over a hour) and she assures me that they will straighten everything out so I leave. This occurred from 11:00am to 12:00pm.

At 3:00pm my phone still does not work so once I get home I called Sprint and start working on getting my phone working this is around 5:00pm, 7:00pm I finally get voice and data back to my number. I also am running a custom ROM on my diamond so I had to flash back to stock to edit my ## settings so I finally got flashed back and all my apps back at around midnight Saturday...

Part two: The sprint store never did attempt to add my third phone and port the number so Sunday I start that process over the phone, without much trouble the port will be finialized tomorrow.

Part three: When they deleted my number it somehow deleted something on my account so all my phones, my phone along with my wifes phone along with my third phone I added ALL got put on seperate plans called, "Month to Month Calling Plan" this plan did not include txt or data so both me and my wife spent the weekend txting and checking mail and now I have a large bill to pay for services that I already have!!!! When I spotted the Month to Month calling plans this morning (Tuesday) while looking over my account online I called immedately and they straightened it all out and put my three phones back on my family data plan and credit me back for the three days of txt and data HOWEVER being that tomorrow is the end of my billing cycle they can't remove the charges from the bill they'll just credit them to next months bill (so this in not completely done until next month!!!)

Part four: So I'm about fed up with this whole experience and I say to the Sprint rep I'm on the line with "I'm so close to calling it quits on Sprint" and the guy I'm talking to says if I choose to cancel my coverage I will owe them $600.00!!!!!! I'm like WHAT!!! Each line still has contract time left on them, the line I just added yesterday - they won't cancel it I have to pay ETF on it and its not even finalized yet!!! My number contract ends in 2 months and they still are going to make me pay the full $200.00 ETF, my wifes plan has a year left $200.00 for that one so three lines $600.00!!!! No appologies no remorse for any part of this fiasco...

I always thought if I provided my own phone and I added a phone to a plan I already have that there was no "contract" except for the main plan?? Sort of like DirectTV where you can add rooms under one plan and if you cancel its only one ETF not one for each box??? Guess I never looked that over... So I'm stuck with Sprint for two more years...

So I'm not completely done with the whole thing, this months bill will be much larger than it should be and I only hope and pray they credit that back to me for next billing cycle. And hopefully the number port will complete without any further complications.
BUT the one thing I have learned here is I will never go back into my local store ever again!! I can do every part of anything I need to do over the phone! And each of the 7 or so people I have spoken to over the phone in the last 4 days have been knowledgable and for the most part understandable.... Just had to vent
Sprint EVO - Mine
AT&T Inspire - Wife
Sprint Palm TreoPro - Used as landline
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2010, 01:43 PM
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Re: My Sprint store rant!!

Rookie and dumb mistake on part of that store. Was it corporate or indirect?

When I port over a landline to Sprint it can take 7-14 days for the port but I do it right and tell the custo that it will take that long.

And for him to delete your number and mess up your account is very bad. Make sure to give that store the bad cstat score that they deserve. You should also get a card from that store and email the name on the card about the issue and that you arent happy. Too many times have I dealt with stupid rcc's which is why it made me become an rcc and do better myself.

I wish you luck when your bill comes in. I know for sure that you will have to call in and tell them what happened.
Remember 3-19-10, Sprint Winmo 6.5 release date

I <3 Android
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2010, 02:43 PM
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Re: My Sprint store rant!!

I avoid my corporate store for the same reason,full of idiots. I would call executive services to make sure things get done correctly. Possibly file a complaint against the store.
Kiss my grits
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2010, 04:22 PM
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Re: My Sprint store rant!!

yeah that sounds pretty bad.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2010, 04:29 PM
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Re: My Sprint store rant!!

sorry to thread-jack, and i feel you op, but i just had a positive experience @ my sprint store. they exchanged my busted plantronics 975 that i bought 6 months ago with a brand new one! i do agree that some stores stink, but being nice goes a long way !
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2010, 01:57 AM
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Re: My Sprint store rant!!

I am SUPER nice, most of the time, and they never tend to help me in the stores.... I am sorry for the trouble though, I would have been beyond furious.
De Gustibus Non Est Disputandum
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