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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2010, 02:47 PM
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Re: Sprint CEO Confirms 4G will not cost extra $$$

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
This article states all 3g phones are backwards compatible and will take advantage of the upgraded network. Also the article I posted above shows the hd2 getting 10mbps.

"T-Mobile is the first carrier to launch the even faster HSPA+ in the U.S. While other carriers talk about 4G plans and the promise of compatible devices, T-Mobile will speed ahead with HSPA+ deployments across the bulk of its 3G footprint in 2010, delivering mobile broadband speeds with a home broadband-like experience. And the best thing about the HSPA+ upgrade is that it’s backward compatible.so many of the 3G-enabled devices T-Mobile customers are using today will automatically be faster at no additional cost, so customer experiences could be faster without upgrading or spending more money-- a RARITY in consumer electronics."

I understand their promises and plans. As you can see on the Article that i've posted,

Starting today, the entire 3G network of T-Mobile in the United States should be able to provide downlink speeds of up to 7.2 Mbps (currently 3.6 Mbps). We say "should", because user reports suggest that some areas are still stuck with vanilla 3G and its modest (as of year 2010) data throughput.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2010, 02:53 PM
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Re: Sprint CEO Confirms 4G will not cost extra $$$

Originally Posted by jethro_static View Post
I understand their promises and plans. As you can see on the Article that i've posted,

Starting today, the entire 3G network of T-Mobile in the United States should be able to provide downlink speeds of up to 7.2 Mbps (currently 3.6 Mbps). We say "should", because user reports suggest that some areas are still stuck with vanilla 3G and its modest (as of year 2010) data throughput.
Well I would say 10mbps in New York is good for T-Mobile. You're right, i don't get 3mbps with tmobile, but i definitely don't get 3mbps with my Sprint either. I think Sprint is going to need to up those speeds sooner then they expected with T-Mobile launching these speeds across their entire 3g network end of 2010.

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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2010, 02:56 PM
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Re: Sprint CEO Confirms 4G will not cost extra $$$

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
This article states all 3g phones are backwards compatible and will take advantage of the upgraded network. Also the article I posted above shows the hd2 getting 10mbps.

"T-Mobile is the first carrier to launch the even faster HSPA+ in the U.S. While other carriers talk about 4G plans and the promise of compatible devices, T-Mobile will speed ahead with HSPA+ deployments across the bulk of its 3G footprint in 2010, delivering mobile broadband speeds with a home broadband-like experience. And the best thing about the HSPA+ upgrade is that it’s backward compatible.so many of the 3G-enabled devices T-Mobile customers are using today will automatically be faster at no additional cost, so customer experiences could be faster without upgrading or spending more money-- a RARITY in consumer electronics."

I think it is only backwards compatible with HSPA compatible phones..not all 3g phones..not to mention the HSPA ones will get a speed boost but wont match with true HSPA+ phones like HD2

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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2010, 02:58 PM
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Re: Sprint CEO Confirms 4G will not cost extra $$$

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
Well I would say 10mbps in New York is good for T-Mobile. You're right, i don't get 3mbps with tmobile, but i definitely don't get 3mbps with my Sprint either. I think Sprint is going to need to up those speeds sooner then they expected with T-Mobile launching these speeds across their entire 3g network end of 2010.

We will know when the Evo comes out coz there is no way to test Sprint's Phones right now coz it's all 3G and Wimax is not compatible.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2010, 03:00 PM
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Re: Sprint CEO Confirms 4G will not cost extra $$$

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
I think it is only backwards compatible with HSPA compatible phones..not all 3g phones..not to mention the HSPA ones will get a speed boost but wont match with true HSPA+ phones like HD2

Youre correct they won't get their full potential but the hd2 DOES NOT have a hspa+ modem. The only hspa+ modem is the web connect rocket, which is a usb modem.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2010, 03:01 PM
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Re: Sprint CEO Confirms 4G will not cost extra $$$

Originally Posted by jethro_static View Post
We will know when the Evo comes out coz there is no way to test Sprint's Phones right now coz it's all 3G and Wimax is not compatible.
Sprint states on their own website max 10mbps with average 3-6mbps
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2010, 03:01 PM
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Re: Sprint CEO Confirms 4G will not cost extra $$$

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
Well I would say 10mbps in New York is good for T-Mobile. You're right, i don't get 3mbps with tmobile, but i definitely don't get 3mbps with my Sprint either. I think Sprint is going to need to up those speeds sooner then they expected with T-Mobile launching these speeds across their entire 3g network end of 2010.

Well yeh no one is saying HSPA+ is bad..its cool but in overall I just think wimax will be more robust to provide next generation services, personally even 2mbps is enough for me as logn as I get below 50ms latency. I do get 2.4mbps on my sprint..its not 3mbps but close lol
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2010, 03:03 PM
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Re: Sprint CEO Confirms 4G will not cost extra $$$

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Well yeh no one is saying HSPA+ is bad..its cool but in overall I just think wimax will be more robust to provide next generation services, personally even 2mbps is enough for me as logn as I get below 50ms latency. I do get 2.4mbps on my sprint..its not 3mbps but close lol
damn you're lucky. I have 4 bars evdo reva and only get 1.0-1.1
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2010, 03:06 PM
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Re: Sprint CEO Confirms 4G will not cost extra $$$

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
Sprint states on their own website max 10mbps with average 3-6mbps
Now, the lucky places will come in. Like in the speed test you posted.

I think the advantage of Sprint is the Upload speed as they brag about it on the keynotes. Uploading to social networking is faster than ever. I have a faster upload than the speedtest U posted.

Last edited by jethro_static; 03-26-2010 at 03:10 PM.
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2010, 03:09 PM
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Re: Sprint CEO Confirms 4G will not cost extra $$$

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
Youre correct they won't get their full potential but the hd2 DOES NOT have a hspa+ modem. The only hspa+ modem is the web connect rocket, which is a usb modem.
Oh I thought it did...bah damn you HTC and your cheapness to put in decent component in latest phones..sigh

Yeh 300kbps download speeds rock...lol..but as I said I wish for some smaller latency..

I think the advantage of Sprint is the Upload speed as they brag about it on the keynotes. Uploading to social networking is faster than ever. I have a faster upload than the speedtest U posted.
True advantages as I said before will be the Latency...latency > speed in every scenario except when downloading large 100mb files or something..and even if it is 100mb file if you are BTing the data latency will win the race.

So even if you have 100mbps download if your latency is high, a 2mbps connection with low latency will download a webpage faster.

Last edited by gTen; 03-26-2010 at 03:28 PM.
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