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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-15-2010, 02:51 PM
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New cheaper Verizon plans

I just received this via e-mail:

Verizon Wireless Offers Simple, Affordable Convenience With New Unlimited Voice Plans
New Nationwide Plan Options Include Unlimited Talk and Text to Pair with Robust Data Plans on the Latest 3G Phones 01/15/2010
BASKING RIDGE, NJ -- New monthly service plans from Verizon Wireless make connecting to the nation’s most reliable wireless network easier than ever. Beginning Jan. 18, customers may sign up for a new Nationwide Unlimited Talk plan that allows customers to call anyone in the United States for $69.99 monthly access or a Nationwide Unlimited Talk & Text plan to call and send text, picture and video messages to anyone in the country for $89.99 monthly access.
Nationwide Family SharePlans® will also have new unlimited options. Nationwide Unlimited Talk Family SharePlans will be $119.99 monthly access while the Nationwide Unlimited Talk & Text Family SharePlans will be $149.99 monthly access. All Family SharePlan pricing includes the first two lines of service. Standard text message rates will apply for customers on the Nationwide Unlimited Talk plans who do not sign up for a text messaging bundle.
Data Packages
The company also announced the expansion of the 25 megabyte for $9.99 per month data package requirement to include all Verizon Wireless 3G Multimedia phones, which gives customers quick access to Mobile E-mail, games and the Internet. The data package requirement was introduced last year with the LG enV® TOUCH and the Samsung Rogue™. Today’s announcement expands that list to include new activations of the LG Chocolate Touch™, LG enV®3, LG VX8360, Motorola Entice™ W766, Nokia 7705 Twist™ and Samsung Alias™ 2. The company expects to introduce a host of 3G Multimedia phones in 2010. The $19.99 data package option for 3G Multimedia phones has been discontinued.
Customers using Simple Feature phones (Mobile Web-enabled) will continue to pay $1.99 per megabyte or choose either the $9.99 or $29.99 data packages. The consumer data package for 3G Smartphones such as BlackBerry®, Windows Mobile® or Android devices will remain at $29.99 per month.
Prepaid Plans
Verizon Wireless will also offer customers new prepaid plans beginning Jan. 18. For those who prefer pay-as-you-go options, but want a no-holds approach to calling and texting, new Monthly Unlimited Prepaid plans will give customers the same great calling options as monthly contract subscribers for just $5 more per month. Prepaid Monthly Unlimited Talk is now available for $74.99 per month while contract subscribers pay $69.99 for the same unlimited calling option. Prepaid Monthly Unlimited Talk & Text will be available for $94.99 per month. The 450- and 900-minute Monthly Prepaid plans will also be available for $5 more per month than comparable postpaid plans.
Existing Customers
Today’s announcement will not have an impact on existing customer contracts, although customers may choose to move to any of the new plans. The company allows customers to change their service plans at any time without penalty or contract extension. To move to the newly announced plans, customers may go online to their My Verizon accounts at www.verizonwireless.com or contact Customer Service at 1-800-922-0204.
The Imagio is the best phone I have EVER owned !!!!!!!!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-15-2010, 03:17 PM
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Re: New cheaper Verizon plans

while thats a nice move, still kinda high in the price for smartphone people...thanks for the post
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2010, 01:36 PM
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Re: New cheaper Verizon plans

to follow AT&T plans will follow suit monday too.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2010, 02:13 PM
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Re: New cheaper Verizon plans

Verizon will just find another way to overcharge people.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 05:30 AM
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Re: New cheaper Verizon plans

sooo just to clear this up in case I want to ever go to Verizon, how much more would it be for unlimited data access?

edit: never mind! I saw it said 29.99$ just now :P excuse my sleepy head...
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 11:38 AM
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Re: New cheaper Verizon plans

Yea data still stayed the same.. so really t-mobile and sprint are still cheaper.. but if u like verizon i say go for it.. They got the coverage..but its just gonna cost ya..lol

If your happy with sprint..i say stay awhile and wait to see what sprint does this year..with releases and such.. even though right now people are bashing sprint for the ces thing and raising fee and such.. regardless u will still save money....

but if u got coverage t-mobile is a nice altern..to sprint.. depending if go on contract or not..

I still say sprint has something up the sleeve this year..
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 03:39 PM
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Re: New cheaper Verizon plans

Verizon has always been the dreaded $10 more than everyone else. So in my younger days I always went with the cheaper ones. Now, i don't mean this to insult anybody, but I have had them all(and the few I haven't had my close friends have) and if your not on Verizon you don't know what your missing. I am not a cell phone pro(like the guys on this site) but I am a network pro. Verizon is probably 10 times better than the next best company. It's different technology (not just CMDA vs. GSM). Once i bit the bullet and paid the extra ten dollars I have never looked back. I hate how they force their bloat-ware on you and I hate how they DE-Activate things on their phones. Plus they haven't had that great of a phone selection until recently. But Verizon can't be touched!!!!!!! PERIOD....The best, fastest, most reliable, dependable, clear, advanced, service there is !!!!!!!!

I hate to say this, but i would pay an additional $20 a month to stay with Verizon. (and I'm poor)...
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 04:14 PM
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Re: New cheaper Verizon plans

lol i would be on verizon.. except where i live sprint has a tower 2 to 3 miles from my house.. so my data speeds are crazy high..never a drop call etc..
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