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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2010, 04:23 PM
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Nexus One on Verizon, not Sprint

What's the deal with Sprint? Verizon is going to get the Nexus One, which, if everyone's been following, is probably the HTC Passion that looks pretty identical to the nexus one. And from the live event, it seems like Verizon Opted in, along with Vodafone. It sounds like perhaps Sprint chose not to participate, or perhaps they were never approached?

I can't imagine google leaving sprint out of the arms race over iphone in order to reach more customers. Heck, T-Mobile is the first carrier of the nexus one. What do you guys think is going on over at sprint?

If we don't get a CDMA HTC Touch HD2, I don't see sprint putting up much of a fight in 2010.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2010, 04:29 PM
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Re: Nexus One on Verizon, not Sprint

Same with At&t, they don't have any Android phones yet, but that could be part of their agreement with Apple, who knows.

I think the announcement that Verizon will be getting it is huge. First of all, I think its a slap in the face for T-Mobile. They're the first carrier to offer it, and they could have won over some CDMA customers, but now that they announced Verizon is getting it, Sprint and Verizon customers will probably wait for that.

It seems like everyone is falling behind in this game, like they're waiting to see which phone will actually be the next iPhone. They all jumped on the TP2, but other than that, T-Mobile is the only one getting the HD2 so far. Sprint and At&t are lacking with Android. Sprint has nothing to compete with the Nexus One or the Droid, which are the top two Android phones right now.
At&t iPhone 8 Plus
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2010, 07:26 PM
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Re: Nexus One on Verizon, not Sprint

I just don't see sprint trying to compete though. The major problem is that they need a huge overhaul in order to stay competitive. While waiting for wm 7, they are letting key things slip through the cracks...

sprint fail
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2010, 07:49 PM
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Re: Nexus One on Verizon, not Sprint

but we could also consider....how much does sprint get paid by microsoft for winmo phones?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2010, 10:16 PM
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Re: Nexus One on Verizon, not Sprint

On top of that. sprint seems to fail with every phone they push.. instinct, pre, those are the only 2 they really pushed through tv ads. etc.. other than pushing the plans. and nextel crap..

Do remember that guy, and the pindrop promo..those were the last ads sprint had out that totally rocked..

I dont think sprint cares to much they sit back and put out phones etc.. and just wing it.. if they wanted to they could promote better and challenge verizon and att.. but they dont for some reason...

but atm i see nothing wrong with their lineup.. they got 2 nice android phones.. ( hero, moment ) tp2. tour, pre, etc.. I dont care if verizon gets the nexus one.. and sprint doesnt.. etc.. cause im not gonna pay verizons price on plans.. att who cares.. they dont even care bout their network..enough to make sure it can handle the load. and coverage!! or the lack of.lol sprint will be sprint.. and will continue to move forward with new tech. like they always do.. and just fly under the radar and provide great service and coverage.. and let the big 2 battle it out..and waste money on court battles and ads attacking each other,lol

point sprint will come out with some good phones this year,, just might not be the ones your hoping for.. come u cant beat anymobile.lol or the plans..

and sero.. u know that day is coming d-day.. the end of sero. unless u want to just keep using older phones.. but who cares. get a reg plan add a discount and your paying alittle more than sero but with more features.. and u can use any phone u like..

ok sorry that was all over the place.. rant over,lol
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2010, 10:28 PM
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Re: Nexus One on Verizon, not Sprint

Originally Posted by pzztgotbagz View Post
but we could also consider....how much does sprint get paid by microsoft for winmo phones?
I was told its the other way around. Cost being applied to price of phones. Maybe that is why we are not seeing the newer/better WM phones. Lot of complaining about the tp2 price remember?
Kiss my grits
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2010, 11:24 PM
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Re: Nexus One on Verizon, not Sprint

that could be.. or sprint has to make up the cost somewhere..verizon makes up for it by plan pricing.. where as sprint makes up for it on phone pricing. thats makes sense to me. but sprint has always been higher on phone pricing..
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2010, 04:32 PM
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Re: Nexus One on Verizon, not Sprint

What's so great about this phone anyway? Besides the snapdragon CPU, it looks just like any other touch screen only phone.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2010, 05:12 PM
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Re: Nexus One on Verizon, not Sprint

Originally Posted by gprimr1 View Post
What's so great about this phone anyway? Besides the snapdragon CPU, it looks just like any other touch screen only phone.
For me, it's not so much the Nexus Phone, but the lack of one. I'm staring at the line up of phones unveiled at CES 2010, and it just seems like sprint's line up gets worse and worse.

The Palm Pre and Pixi have been upstaged by the Palm Pre Plus and Pixi Plus for Verizon. We don't have a nexus phone. Even AT&T is getting an HTC Hero. T-mobile is getting the Touch HD 2 and the Nexus One, and we've seen the leak of all the HTC phones coming to them.

What does Sprint unveil? The Rumor Touch and Lotus Elite. I just don't understand what Sprint is doing. Not to mention their big announcement debacle on the overdrive, when we were all excitedly anticipating something of a phone fight.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2010, 06:17 PM
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Re: Nexus One on Verizon, not Sprint

Originally Posted by acts View Post
For me, it's not so much the Nexus Phone, but the lack of one. I'm staring at the line up of phones unveiled at CES 2010, and it just seems like sprint's line up gets worse and worse.

The Palm Pre and Pixi have been upstaged by the Palm Pre Plus and Pixi Plus for Verizon. We don't have a nexus phone. Even AT&T is getting an HTC Hero. T-mobile is getting the Touch HD 2 and the Nexus One, and we've seen the leak of all the HTC phones coming to them.

What does Sprint unveil? The Rumor Touch and Lotus Elite. I just don't understand what Sprint is doing. Not to mention their big announcement debacle on the overdrive, when we were all excitedly anticipating something of a phone fight.
I agree. I would love to interview the person responsible for hardware relations!
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