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Old 06-17-2013, 06:41 AM
rynd2it's Avatar
Pocket PC: Blackberry 8100
Carrier: Orange
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BB 8100 - call log issues/SMS messages


I have a fairly old Blackberry 8100 pearl (originally T-Mobile, now unlocked and using with Orange in France). Some functionality has disappeared in recent months and none of the fixes I can find online had any effect. So I downloaded BBSAK but can't see how to solve my issues.

1) The SMS sent messages are not being saved, received ones are, and no amount of changing settings and resetting has any effect. Sent messages disappear within seconds of being sent.

2) Incoming and outgoing call logs are also empty and no call data is being saved.

The BB OS is net-rim-os I understand a later version (4.5) is available but I cannot find it anywhere, all links to it appear broken.

Would appreciate any help as I would like to keep this phone a bit longer


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