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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2011, 06:44 PM
Caperunner's Avatar
Pocket PC: Blackberry Torch
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New to Site/Bberry Torch Dead?

Hi -

First, please forgive me if posting this in two forums, "Introductions" and "General Blackberry Discussions" is not the proper thing to do. I'm desperate, have spent hours driving to AT&T stores/service center and even more searching the web for any answers and/or solution.

As you can see by the subject above, my Bberry Torch is seemingly dead. The battery drained completely and I plugged it in to charge. Unfortunately I couldn't charge the battery fully, but it was 50% charged when I disconnected it. I made one call, took one picture, then locked the device. It shut down and never turned on/booted up after that. Both AT&T and Blackberry support told me that nothing can be done. However, I have not given up hope that the files may still be recovered (isn't denial one of the stages of grief??!). I am so hoping that some or all of the files can be recovered. BBSAK may be my last hope, and when looking into that I was directed to this site.

I've swapped the battery to a new one and connected to a wall charger, but the Torch still shows no red light or any other signs of "life". When connecting to our mac via usb, Bberry desktop manager does open but the message "cannot connect to device" appears.
Is there anything that I can do to either get the Torch to boot or at least get to the point where I can recover some data? Is BBSAK compatible with a Mac?

Thanks -
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2011, 07:19 PM
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Try the crackberry forums. This site was never big on blackberry devices....good luck!

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2011, 08:45 PM
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Re: New to Site/Bberry Torch Dead?

Thanks fixxxer for the reply. I've been searching the web all day and have been on the crackberry forums quite a bit. I'm thinking that BBSAK might be my last hope... I'll keep looking. Thanks again!!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2011, 08:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Caperunner
Thanks fixxxer for the reply. I've been searching the web all day and have been on the crackberry forums quite a bit. I'm thinking that BBSAK might be my last hope... I'll keep looking. Thanks again!!
Yeah blackberries arent as popular as they used to be im afraid.
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  PPCGeeks > Other Devices > Blackberry

blackberry data recovery, dead battery, mac, macbook, torch

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