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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2009, 05:48 PM
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just got a bb storm coming from a touch pro on vzw

ok so im new to this part of ppcgeeks but iv had wm for sometime now i was just givin a bb storm 9530. my friends all have bb and bbm so that the thing im excited about but, what else can this thing do? can i flash it like windows mobile roms? can i simply install apps off my desktop or even sd card? if so where can i find it (something like freewareppc.net) can i unlock the gps for googlemaps use? and lots of other questions im not expecting anyone to walk me thru it but please send me in the right direction idk where to even start on this. thanks in advance and happy holidays!
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2009, 09:27 PM
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Re: just got a bb storm coming from a touch pro on vzw

Welcome to the Blackberry side of PPCGeeks.

Your like most of us, we're all coming from WinMo. You can load a OS/ROM onto the Blackberry Storm ie. Leaked OS or Hybrids.

We have a Blackberry Messenger Group based out of PPCGeeks.com its a stickied thread...Or you can PM me your Blackberry PIN and I'll send you an invite if interested.

These are sites that mainly focus on hot rodding and tweaking berrys.

Blackberryos.com and bbhyrids.net

Beside all that if you need any just ask, we'll go the best we can.

But please dont forget where you come and when you come across any valuable info bring it back home...!O!
PPC: T-Mobile's G2x // LG-P999 [unlocked & rooted] + CyanogenMod 7.2
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-28-2009, 04:50 PM
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Re: just got a bb storm coming from a touch pro on vzw

For a list of free apps and links go to m.crackberry.com on your mobile phone, click on apps and you will be able to downlaod the crackberry launcher. There is a link there for free apps, with a separate section for the storm since its touch screen. You'll love what you find!

came from a general phone to treo 700wx to diamand and tp to bb.. never going back!

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2010, 08:26 PM
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Re: just got a bb storm coming from a touch pro on vzw

Just got me a BB Storm for a little while. Will be joining you all in your BB learning/developing! Can't wait to get it activated and get started

Still keeping my WM phone, never leaving it's OS!

If you wanna make the world a better place take a look at yourself and then make a change ~Michael Jackson
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