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Old 05-17-2009, 05:04 PM
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Question Diving the mobile and the text numbers on the contact list.

I got a friend on the UK and calling him to his mobile is one number (12 numbers long), while when texting him at the same number you need to add 3 more numbers.

I was wonder if there's an application that would allow me to divide (on my contact list) the numbers you got as mobile and as text, so you can add (or change the) numbers, if is needed to the mobile number and/or to the texting number.
IbelithLP - AT&T Carrier / Samsung Blackjack II Smartphone
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Old 05-17-2009, 07:45 PM
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Re: Diving the mobile and the text numbers on the contact list.

Originally Posted by IbelithLP View Post
I got a friend on the UK and calling him to his mobile is one number (12 numbers long), while when texting him at the same number you need to add 3 more numbers.

I was wonder if there's an application that would allow me to divide (on my contact list) the numbers you got as mobile and as text, so you can add (or change the) numbers, if is needed to the mobile number and/or to the texting number.
I have yet to find something like this.

Maybe put the one you call him on as a different type, and then put the text version of the number as the mobile number?
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Old 05-17-2009, 09:30 PM
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Re: Diving the mobile and the text numbers on the contact list.

This probably isn't the solution you are looking for but...

You could set the number that you use for sending text messages as the Mobile number, and set the number that you use to call him to another slot (Home, Office, Assistant, whatever ...) ... This way, most programs that you would use to send a text message would default to the number in the Mobile slot, and most dialers and programs that you would use to initiate a call will let you choose the slot with the voice number...

Even if you use MSVC or something similar, you can tell it "call mahdewd at assistant".. etc...
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