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Old 04-12-2010, 01:28 PM
Bigeazy20's Avatar
Pocket PC: Samsung Code SCH I220
Carrier: Metro PCS
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Question Problem with windows mobile (6.1) media player

samsung code, sch i220
New member with a small situation
I jus purchased the Samsung Code (SCH I220) from metro pcs. When I read the phone had windows mobile I instantly wanted it. The phone is ok but the youtube videos can take hours to load, an there's no way around it!!
I went to frys an bought a 16 gig micro sd (for $54 not bad) to put movies on. I dragged an avi file onto it, and it said it needed to convert the file for windows mobile and it might alter the file.
I clicked okay and waited for it to download, to see what file type it converted to. When it finished converting, the file was still an avi...

I updated my library, on the mobile media player to see how the video came out. The picture is clear but the audio lags behind the video!!!!!!!!

I've tried switching the usb connection from activesync to mass storage, still the same result. I also tried adding the files using the micro sd and another phone, still the same result. This is such an annoying glich does anyone have any ideas?? Should I jus get my money back??

Thanks for any replys...
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > Windows Smartphones > Applications

mobile media player

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