Battery mAH test
I found Battery Monitor Widget which monitors your battery, and it's charging. Then it uses this data to make calculations. One of which is the measured mAh rating of your battery. Obviously over time this number decreases as the battery ages.
I am curious as to what other people are seeing reported for their batteries. You can get the widget here. https://market.android.com/details?id=ccc71.bmw&hl=en If you want something to help burn though a battery there is GPS Test. It works the unit hard, and can be set to not let the screen sleep. https://market.android.com/details?i....gpstest&hl=en I have used it, and found it takes about 2-3h on average to eat up a battery. Once installed you need to tap the widget, select calibration at the bottom, and then you will see the measured mAh at the bottom of the screen. So that we can have some kind of consistency in the data. Lets do the following 1. Install the software and let the battery drain down to at least 10% 2. Plug the phone in and let it charge over night (let say min 8 hours) so it can max out the battery. 3. Please tell a little about the battery. If you know the mHa rating written on the battery, the brand, and the age if known. If you want to do this two or three times that would be even better as we could see an average, but once is still useful. I have 4 batteries with the following info. Brand: Generic Ebay battery. mAh written: 2380 Age: 2mo Tested mAh: 978 +/- 28% Brand: HTC OEM mAh written: 1500 Age: unknown Tested mAh: 938 +/- 29% Brand: HTC OEM mAh written: 1500 Age: unknown Tested mAh: 1395 +/- 25% Brand: HTC OEM mAh written: 1500 Age: unknown Tested mAh: 1152 +/- 28% If you know of any other free tools that measures mAh in a better way please do tell. Now lets see what kind of numbers people are getting. This could be very interesting. Last edited by wizardknight; 01-26-2012 at 04:03 PM. |