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  #311 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2010, 02:35 AM
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Re: 12.19 3d package with better performance for testing

neocore again gave me a score of 18.1 so i guess my phones not feeling the neocore love and yes that picture you have is what the system info in quadrant shows, it actually made me sure i didnt miss something.

HTC Universal-->Imate Jam(HTC Magician)-->Imate K-jam(HTC Wizard)-->HTC Mogul-->Touch Pro-->Touch Pro 2-->wonder what the next windows phone is going to be ??
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  #312 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2010, 02:37 AM
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Re: 12.19 3d package with better performance for testing

Originally Posted by docnas View Post
i know im gonna sound stupid but where do we put the files from the folder? ie the*.so files should we choose 1 and place it in the root of the SD card or what?

Edit : i copied over the modules and intrd and zimage and startup to the andboot folder
i copied froyo.user.conf to the andboot\conf folder (copying over the older version)
i also copied bootanimation.zip and build.prop to the andboot folder
then copied the 4 files from 11.26 etc... folder to root of sdcard
Booted hared reached the bootanimation looked smooth had an error "process system .....( i forget the exact words) force close or wait i clicked wait waited 10 minutes nothing happened and reset

Did i misplace a file somewhere? any help is appreciated.

Edit 2 restarted and went again to haret ran it and it worked this time so booted reached the lock screen
tried unlocking
process android.process.acore is not responding force close or wait , so i force closed and it seems to be running waited a bit but no repeat of the error so am running quadrant now. Score 546
I had a similar score too; I don't think ours loaded correctly. I finally got it to register a score of 597 after power down and booting again. I had the same problem (force close windows, sluggishness, Sprint connection not showing until like 4 minutes after I booted up, etc).

Also, since you're using "andboot", like me, instead of following tiad7's instructions in which he said to put everything at the "root" of the SD card, not within any folder (like andboot), you may have to change to the following lines in your froyo.user.conf:

mount --bind /sdcard/andboot/libGLES_qcom.so /system/lib/egl/libGLES_qcom.so
mount --bind /sdcard/andboot/libGLESv2_adreno200.so /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_adreno200.so
mount --bind /sdcard/andboot/libq3dtools_adreno200.so /system/lib/egl/libq3dtools_adreno200.so
mount --bind /sdcard/andboot/gralloc.msm7k.so /system/lib/hw/gralloc.msm7k.so
mount --bind /sdcard/andboot/bootanimation.zip /system/media/bootanimation.zip
mount --bind /sdcard/andboot/build.prop /system/build.prop
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  #313 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2010, 02:41 AM
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Re: 12.19 3d package with better performance for testing

Actually i used andboot for my android files, but the files he posted ( the*.so files) i placed in the root of the sdcard and yeah i guess my phones like me not very articulate and helpful when im woken up :P ( hell people who know me are satisfied with a grunt from me in the morning )
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  #314 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2010, 03:00 AM
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Re: 12.19 3d package with better performance for testing

Just FYI. My phone was being dumb about it until I put a space between the commands in the froyo.user file.
My thanks button is sleeping. Do not disturb.
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  #315 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2010, 03:10 AM
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Re: 12.19 3d package with better performance for testing

ok. i don't use any benchmark program, but with this new drivers HOMERUN battle 3D works so fluent angry birds lite are playable
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  #316 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2010, 04:18 AM
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Re: 12.19 3d package with better performance for testing

Woo hoo! I finally registered a score of 636 using 11.29. I got tired of figuring out where on the SDcard to put the *.so files so I got access to my work computer which has Linux installed. I mounted system.ext2 and copied the *.so files to their respective directories; I also copies build.prop and bootanimation.zip to their respective directories under the mounted directory. After that, I unmounted and replaced the system.ext2 on the SDcard and my TP2 booted up to Linux fast! Ran Quadrant and scored 636. Wow, everything is very fluid and fast. Thanks Tiad7! If anyone is interested, I have attached the modified system.ext2 (from FRX03) that has the 3d drivers and gralloc updated (11/29) as well as build.prop and bootanimation.zip. You can replaced the one in your SDcard; also, if you use this system.ext2, remove the mount commands in froyo.user.conf, you don't need them.

Update: sorry, the file is too big...I'm unable to upload it here.

Tiad7, what is your method of getting long battery life; is the "trick" you describe the only way? Did you try the highest overclocked speed (787Mhz I believe)?

Last edited by ndno; 12-20-2010 at 05:26 AM.
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  #317 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2010, 04:39 AM
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Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (Windows Mobile; Opera Mini/5.1.21594/22.414; U; en) Presto/2.5.25 Version/10.54)

Originally Posted by ndno
Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (Windows Mobile; Opera Mini/5.1.21594/22.414; U; en) Presto/2.5.25 Version/10.54)

because I keep seeing this mentioned, a class 6 card is most likely not going to give you the best performance for android. It has high throughput, but Android has more random read/write. Class 6 cards are optimized for throughput at the expense of poorer random read/write.
Is a Class 10 better? natemcnutty, I know you're working on the NAND boot; is there likely going to be a working version with the user file system (data.img) resident in NAND instead of the SD card? That will make stuff run a lot faster.
don't want to derail the thread too much, but class 10 cards are sometimes 2 bit per cell rather than 3 bit per cell memory which can be dramatically faster in both sustained throughput and random read/write, but there are some class 10 cards that are only optimized for throughput and really really suck at random read/write.

Luckily, for 3d, we are limited by drivers and not by the sd card. Also, we have a user who has moved everything to nand (he was seeing if he could brick his device, but it ended up working!). He reported significant performance differences and said he would post more details later
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  #318 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2010, 04:56 AM
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Talking Re: 12.19 3d package with better performance for testing

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
... Also, we have a user who has moved everything to nand (he was seeing if he could brick his device, but it ended up working!). He reported significant performance differences and said he would post more details later
your information is very impressive for me thanks!
I'm waiting for full data on NAND working a long time. so, wait for your new news

Its will be greatly if we have full NAND working, as I did some test on WM: NAND IO is 2x speed than my class 4 sdcard. BTW, if we have full NAND working then we will have everything speed up much like native droid device

Last edited by tiger2wander; 12-20-2010 at 04:58 AM.
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  #319 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2010, 05:39 AM
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Re: 12.19 3d package with better performance for testing

Originally Posted by ndno View Post
Tiad7, what is your method of getting long battery life; is the "trick" you describe the only way? Did you try the highest overclocked speed (787Mhz I believe)?
how long is your battery? my not overclocked Raphael GSM drain 10%/hour with FRX03 and these drivers and 1238 kernel. is it normal? I set pm.sleep_mode=1
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  #320 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2010, 10:32 AM
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Re: 12.19 3d package with better performance for testing

Originally Posted by ndno View Post
Woo hoo! I finally registered a score of 636 using 11.29. I got tired of figuring out where on the SDcard to put the *.so files so I got access to my work computer which has Linux installed. I mounted system.ext2 and copied the *.so files to their respective directories; I also copies build.prop and bootanimation.zip to their respective directories under the mounted directory. After that, I unmounted and replaced the system.ext2 on the SDcard and my TP2 booted up to Linux fast! Ran Quadrant and scored 636. Wow, everything is very fluid and fast. Thanks Tiad7! If anyone is interested, I have attached the modified system.ext2 (from FRX03) that has the 3d drivers and gralloc updated (11/29) as well as build.prop and bootanimation.zip. You can replaced the one in your SDcard; also, if you use this system.ext2, remove the mount commands in froyo.user.conf, you don't need them.

Update: sorry, the file is too big...I'm unable to upload it here.

Tiad7, what is your method of getting long battery life; is the "trick" you describe the only way? Did you try the highest overclocked speed (787Mhz I believe)?
1-what is your method of getting long battery life. 15-20HRS WITH OC 716800.

BATTERY TRICK" CHARGE YOUR PHONE TO FULL 100%. PHONE MUST BE OFF. The trick is simple. Turn off your phone, plug it into the charger WHILE IT'S OFF, and wait for the charging lights to show up. When you see it, turn on your phone (into winmo) and boot android via haret. Wait till android boots up and the battery logo is showing charging. Then you can disconnect the charger. I'm using FRX03.

2-Did you try the highest overclocked speed?. NO

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