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  #161 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2011, 08:44 PM
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Re: Simple Guide, 6 Easy Steps (15 min): 6/23 ANDROID TP2 DL links, FRX06, GingerBre

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
Holy cow batman, when you make a post you make a post!

So the comments on the kernel page made me laugh, because the kernel has nothing to do with it. You're sir diligent tho (kudos ) and you found the answer yourself! Well kinda. The rootfs is the culprit, ultimately the RIL within it. There's a new RIL, and basically the roaming indicator is bogus, can be ignored.

To fix it, you need to adjust your /data/eri.xml file per this post.
Holy cow batman yourself!! lol
Trying to put up an easy 123, here's how to get to the latest (for myself as well)... got the dinner call... post up what I had so I didn't lose it.. came back, started editing again... post & noticed you had already post a while ago!!!!!!

Geeeesh! still chuckling

Re. your post: New RIL... yea, saw it discussed in one of the hundred & some posts, just read over the last couple hours.. my memory sucks but I didn't think he was putting it up yet right?

Yep, read that post (and much of the thread ~eyes tired~) this post

That eri.xml won't work in /data/eri.xml I don't think. This is what I threw in eri.xml and adb pushed to /data/
<EriFile VersionNumber="1357" NumberOfEriEntries="1" EriFileType="1"><CallPromptId Id="0" CallPromptText="CallPromptId0" /> <CallPromptId Id="1" CallPromptText="CallPromptId1" /> <CallPromptId Id="2" CallPromptText="CallPromptId2" /> <EriInfo RoamingIndicator="1" IconIndex="1" IconMode="0" EriText="Sprint" CallPromptId="0" AlertId="0" /> </EriFile>
Note that RoamingIndicator="1" might need to change depending on what your logs say your carrier is setting your Roaming Indicator to.

Wasn't quite done with the research, when dinner bell rang... but I had searched your froyo thread for "roam".. nada

Been a while like I said.... gotta remember how this whole adb push... give me a 123 easy process? gotta find \data! hmmm... Will try it & then research more if I don't hear from you... thanks

Oh yea, btw... any updates I missed? Also, got a few laughs reading some of your logs! :>))
Energy questions? Read posts 1-6 and ENERGY FAQ WIKI cdma FIRST!! .. (GSM here)
*HOW TO! *Voice (MSVC), Bing, Tellme *ANDROID *TV
Don't hit THANKS (I've got a bad rep & want to keep it that way!)

Last edited by teradog; 06-24-2011 at 09:47 PM.
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  #162 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2011, 10:01 PM
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Re: Simple Guide, 6 Easy Steps (15 min): 6/23 ANDROID TP2 DL links, FRX06, GingerBre

Originally Posted by teradog View Post
Re. your post: New RIL... yea, saw it discussed in one of the hundred & some posts, just read over the last couple hours.. my memory sucks but I didn't think he was putting it up yet right?
Well there's two versions of the RIL. One requires quite a bit of changes (as it's placed in the system image instead of the rootfs). This is known commonly as 'RIL2'. Catchy, I know . (See post #6 in the RIL thread for more info on ril2). The other RIL, ril1 if you will isn't getting updates any longer, so it's a little bit older - but functions within the rootfs. So sir stine pulled his RIL changes into the rootfs for the sake of getting that updated so people can run at least some version of the new RIL easily (rootfs update is pretty simple compared to the mucking you have to do for ril2 to work!)

Originally Posted by teradog View Post
Been a while like I said.... gotta remember how this whole adb push... give me a 123 easy process? gotta find \data! hmmm... Will try it & then research more if I don't hear from you... thanks
Honest it'd be easier to just bind mount it using the froyo.user.conf. Actually, since the file isn't present (IIRC), you'll have to symlink (ln -s) it. Either way, if you're not always using ADB like me it's an easier method.

Also, /data is basically the data.img. It's where that file gets loop mounted when Android starts. Just like the system.ext2 file is loop mounted to /system .

Originally Posted by teradog View Post
Oh yea, btw... any updates I missed? Also, got a few laughs reading some of your logs! :>))
Heh, don't read those they're terrible .

As for updates, not sure. There's some .35 kernel joy to play with as well as .39, and stine is hammering away at some issues on TI wifi... Haven't talked to him in a little while on it, but hopefully not too much more is holding back a new release... I won't say when, as I really do have no clue, but good lord I hope it's soon. Soo much new code!
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  #163 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2011, 10:32 PM
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Re: Simple Guide, 6 Easy Steps (15 min): 6/23 ANDROID TP2 DL links, FRX06, GingerBre

Post edited & cleanup for EASY roaming fix.
(Below uses only steps 1-6 from here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=866553)

GET RID OF ROAMING INDICATOR (Sprint Phone but can be config'd for others)
FYI, you can also customize your carrier name & put in something fun instead of the text "Sprint" below.
  1. Open Notepad on computer
  2. From the link above copy this:
  3. <EriFile VersionNumber="1357" NumberOfEriEntries="1" EriFileType="1"><CallPromptId Id="0" CallPromptText="CallPromptId0" /> <CallPromptId Id="1" CallPromptText="CallPromptId1" /> <CallPromptId Id="2" CallPromptText="CallPromptId2" /> <EriInfo RoamingIndicator="1" IconIndex="1" IconMode="0" EriText="Sprint" CallPromptId="0" AlertId="0" /> </EriFile>
  4. Save file as eri.xml
  5. ON TP2: Copy file to tp2 sdcard root dir
  6. Boot into XDAndroid on TP2: DL Android Terminal Emulator from market
  7. run it
  8. su
  9. cd /sdcard
  10. cp eri.xml andboot/data/eri.xml (andboot should be renamed with the dir you have your haret.exe
  11. backout & restart phone

If you get all the cd (change directories) mixed up, simply go to root (must be at # prompt - su)
cd /
ls (will list all your files & directories), you'll see the the /sdcard and /data are at the same level, simply copy like this
cp /sdcard/eri.xml /data/eri.xml

You now have all the latest off of the 1st post & with the simple process above, no more roaming on triangle.

Couple helpfull tips:
  • Settings, about phone, status: although Network say Roaming indicator On, "Roaming" says, not roaming & 3G is working fine so it will run fine with the triangle...
  • And *#*#info#*#* (gets a hidden menu) Set to CDMA only.. "Mobile network type" says CDMA EvDo rev 0, it's OK, really Rev A.

Last edited by teradog; 07-07-2011 at 10:53 AM. Reason: Cleanup
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  #164 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2011, 10:45 PM
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Re: Simple Guide, 6 Easy Steps (15 min): 6/23 ANDROID TP2 DL links, FRX06, GingerBre

Originally Posted by teradog View Post
one thing in there that bugs me... "Mobile network type" says CDMA EvDo rev 0, but sure doesn't seem slow... perhaps much of this has been discussed elsewhere, but didn't see it right off...
Yea, I don't think rev.a gets properly detected... supposedly it will, but I've never seen it say rev.a...
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  #165 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2011, 10:50 PM
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Re: Simple Guide, 6 Easy Steps (15 min): 6/23 ANDROID TP2 DL links, FRX06, GingerBre

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
Yea, I don't think rev.a gets properly detected... supposedly it will, but I've never seen it say rev.a...
thanks, nice to know someone else sees the same.. later
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  #166 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2011, 02:03 PM
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Re: Simple Guide, 6 Easy Steps (15 min): 6/23 ANDROID TP2 DL links, FRX06, GingerBre

Thanks. Worked for me.

Still looking for how to turn on vibrate for notifications.

Originally Posted by teradog View Post
oh yea, see data in astro...
Not alway using ADB... lol yea.. i had to go get JDK on this computer to install SDK! :>))

Yea, I read post 6 also... but issue with rootfs update, is so many... don't want to test each to see... using the latest, will be OK...

When I'm in settings, about phone, status: although Network say Roaming indicator On, "Roaming" says, not roaming & 3G is working fine so I'll just run with the triangle...

And *#*#info#*#* I have it set to CDMA only..

one thing in there that bugs me... "Mobile network type" says CDMA EvDo rev 0, but sure doesn't seem slow... perhaps much of this has been discussed elsewhere, but didn't see it right off...

[MOD]Change "Sprint" on AOSP (No HexEdit/CDMA)(Scrolling Lockscreen Text) - xda-developers
Easy? testing now...

(Sprint Phone but can be config'd for others)
FYI, you can also customize your carrier name & put in something fun instead of the text "Sprint" below.
  1. Open Notepad on computer
  2. From the link above copy this:
  3. <EriFile VersionNumber="1357" NumberOfEriEntries="1" EriFileType="1"><CallPromptId Id="0" CallPromptText="CallPromptId0" /> <CallPromptId Id="1" CallPromptText="CallPromptId1" /> <CallPromptId Id="2" CallPromptText="CallPromptId2" /> <EriInfo RoamingIndicator="1" IconIndex="1" IconMode="0" EriText="Sprint" CallPromptId="0" AlertId="0" /> </EriFile>
  4. Save file as eri.xml
  5. Copy file to tp2 sdcard root dir
  6. DL Android Terminal Emulator from market
  7. run it
  8. su
  9. cd /sdcard
  10. cp eri.xml andboot/data/eri.xml (andboot should be renamed with the dir you have your haret.exe
  11. backout & restart phone

If you get all the cd (change directories) mixed up, simply go to root (must be at # prompt - su)
cd /
ls (will list all your files & directories), you'll see the the /sdcard and /data are at the same level, simply copy like this
cp /sdcard/eri.xml /data/eri.xml

You now have all the latest off of the 1st post & with the simple process above, no more roaming on triangle.
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  #167 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2011, 03:09 PM
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Re: Simple Guide, 6 Easy Steps (15 min): 6/23 ANDROID TP2 DL links, FRX06, GingerBre

Originally Posted by asianguy30 View Post
Thanks. Worked for me.

Still looking for how to turn on vibrate for notifications.
Settings -> Sound -> Vibrate?
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  #168 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2011, 05:19 PM
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Re: Simple Guide, 6 Easy Steps (15 min): 6/23 ANDROID TP2 DL links, FRX06, GingerBre

FYI... Just changed updates on post 1... The June 27th kernal is the one for me! Got my sound back, FAST!!!!!!!!!!!! Unreal... funny I forgot to take out the .39 kernal line even... (set initrd_offset 0x00a00000)

Also, to some OLD NEWS... to others new... I never take out my SIM card anymore... with new stuff, simply *#*#info#*#* & set to CDMA

Last edited by teradog; 07-02-2011 at 09:20 AM.
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  #169 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2011, 05:23 PM
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Re: Simple Guide, 6 Easy Steps (15 min): 6/23 ANDROID TP2 DL links, FRX06, GingerBre

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
Settings -> Sound -> Vibrate?
Sure did that already but everything else would vibrate except text messages
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  #170 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2011, 05:39 PM
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Re: Simple Guide, 6 Easy Steps (15 min): 6/23 ANDROID TP2 DL links, FRX06, GingerBre

Originally Posted by asianguy30 View Post
Sure did that already but everything else would vibrate except text messages

Messaging -> Menu -> Settings -> Vibrate?

I use Google Voice, so I never receive normal texts anymoar... but I can't think of what else would stop vibrating from working unless there's a bug.
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