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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 09-09-2010, 04:52 PM
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Re: [solved][zImage incl.] can We get sound on the Non-Cab install, Non 2.2 versions?

Originally Posted by DarkLight View Post
I'm running 2.1 with SenseUI and sound. The only problem I'm having in the MarketPlace is trying to do a search. If I search it reboots Android. Other than that I've been able to install probably a dozen apps (all free though because I'm not willing to buy any yet...don't wanna spend money on any that I might "lose").
You shouldn't "lose" a paid app, since you register with your google account, all purchases are made through a personal credit card, register with your google account and a record is set for every purchase you made. I have redone android on my device several times, looked for the app again in market and it shows as "purchased"

clicked on it and it installed again. Labyrinth is one for example.

Hope this helps any who is hesistant on buying apps and supporting devs out there.

edit: correct if I am wrong, If you have android running on tp2 and then for whatever reason you decide to move to a fully android device like Droid this or Droid that, since you will be registering with the same google account, you will be able to still get that paid app again on your android device.
of course some newer android os might not be compatible to the old android like 1.6 apps. but makers make updates. usually most all say what they are compatible with anyhow. since you are running 2.1....there should be no problem if you decide to go with 2.2. or 3.0 in the future when released and ported
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Last edited by jhr; 09-09-2010 at 04:57 PM. Reason: android
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > WM HTC Devices > HTC Touch Pro 2 > Android On TP2

2.1, android, sound, tp2, xandroid

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