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  #91 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2011, 09:08 PM
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Re: MMS Bounty for CDMA Android Port **Currently: $30**

Originally Posted by jhr View Post
The sprint method works if you are on FRX03 XDAndroid2.2Froyo.121610 rar file. cab for me does not instal. stock. I noticed it wont send with Froyo X build at all.

Test it stock and if you want your camera working you can go ahead and do what viruzcrazy is doing over xda to make it work and it still works to send.

But I think becuase TIad8 does not include the APN-config.xml "universal" list might be the reason why it does not send. not sure just a theory
I'm now able to send with the above settings listed, however I cannot receive... is this normal? I never use MMS
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  #92 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2011, 09:09 PM
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Re: MMS Bounty for CDMA Android Port **Currently: $30**

you said it worked.? which build the super froyo X or moded one or stock just curiuos as with super froyo it did not work for verizon. but did with stock

mms is what is killing us CDMA users with att i can confirm it works to send and receive so i do not know what structure or method is used for MMS
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Last edited by jhr; 01-10-2011 at 09:11 PM. Reason: slow internet double post
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  #93 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2011, 09:39 PM
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Re: MMS Bounty for CDMA Android Port **Currently: $30**

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
I'm now able to send with the above settings listed, however I cannot receive... is this normal? I never use MMS
MMS receive has not worked for anyone as far as I know.
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  #94 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2011, 12:40 AM
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Re: Verizon MMS send only

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
Oh, I waited 30 mins. Also, I didn't modify my settings at all - just tried to send an MMS with the camera kernel and hope.

I'll definitely try out these settings you gave me now - saved me a lot of searchin I'm sure, thanks!

Just put in those settings... not a big fan of hard-coding the IP like that, but it did seemingly work! The message says sent. Just need to verify the person rec'd it. Update - confirmed! This does indeed work for MMS! Now I guess I need to see how receiving works, as sending now does... Update 2 - receiving evidently does not work. I never received any notifications of a new pic mail, but I was able to view it on the website for Sprint pic mail... Is there something special I need to do to allow the phone to receive? I don't think I've ever received pic mail properly in WinMo either, so perhaps it's the phone itself...

Thanks a bunch! I'm sure a lot of people are going to love this information.
craziness, im tellin ya lol... bigger kicker, it works on cdma vogue.. that device uses MMS differently than other winMO phones though.. they only recieve a link, which then takes them to the pic...

another kicker.. if you watch your signal, youll see it switch from E to 1x(or whatever it says).. so the device does on some level recognize that the MMS is coming in.... it just never actually appears..

your far more into all this than i am.. and ive yet to even go look at the camera thread over on xda for any more ideas..
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  #95 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2011, 02:48 AM
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Re: MMS Bounty for CDMA Android Port **Currently: $30**

now here is some digging. and food for thought that may or may not help...for receiving

under windows mobile in the arcsoft registry isnt there a string that identifies the phone to the network. thus know where is it going to?

now for opera sometimes you have to put your user name and password and we regularly put our 10digitnumber@verizon.com or something like that and password left it alone.

well can we add something like that to the APN? proxy settings or port or something that might register....boredandtattoed commented to notice that when sending the mms you get the 3g icon arrows go up and down. then for me it was the E icon but no arrows, so maybe the system verizon in my case does not register where does it send because of identity problems. in the account for my verizon it knows it is a tp2 but under the phone identity under settings for about phone it does not. just me it shows MSM for Model number. so if the builders can maybe identify it as maybe xv6875 that is the RHOD500 for verizon.....then maybe it would work?
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  #96 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2011, 02:11 PM
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Re: MMS Bounty for CDMA Android Port **Currently: $30**

I couldn't get MMS to send when I went to Froyo X.... untill I added a little bit to the apn I made for MMS.

It is frustrating, because when I tested it, the MMS went through fine, and when I had my friend send one back to me, the signal bar went from 3G to E, so it IS registering in some fashion that it is receiving one but it never does show up on my phone and then my signal bar goes back to 3G.

Anyways this is what my apn looks like to recieve MMS.

Name= Verizon
APN= internet
MMSC= http://mms.vtext.com/servlets/mms?X-VZW-MDN=(your 10 digit phone number, without these brackets)
MMS Proxy= 80
MCC= 310
MNC= 995
APN type= mms

everything else was left alone.
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  #97 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2011, 04:06 PM
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Re: MMS Bounty for CDMA Android Port **Currently: $30**

Just a thought: If we can get the title of the thread changed to show the actual/current bounty for this, maybe it will gather more attention/interest and we can finally get this taken care of.
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  #98 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2011, 12:25 AM
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Re: MMS Bounty for CDMA Android Port **Currently: $30**

I just started playing around with this. JHR is right. MinMo would not recieve a text without an identifier telling the network what type of phone it is... essentially checking that it goes down as the correct format for the phone. In WinMo, I had to change the User-Agent to T7380 and set the MmscURI to the "http://" address of my provider. The settings also included Gateway: "blank", Gateway port: 80, ISP: SprintMMSC and some other information such as max file size. Obviously there was much more, but arcsoft was capable of handeling the rest. I also came accross THIS post (don't yell at me for cross posting, it's info), but there seems to be some things missing from the xdandroid build to compare the two. I'm posting this cause missing info is always good. Still working on it and I may not get anywhere, but if we work together, things always get done. Input?

Edit: this would also explain the drop to 1x as the network is requesting the info from the phone but getting incorrect responses.

Edit 2: Apparently... once again, I am WAY behind.
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Last edited by Boominsvx; 01-19-2011 at 02:42 AM.
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  #99 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2011, 01:40 AM
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Re: MMS Bounty for CDMA Android Port **Currently: $30**

Just to add some info I noticed. When a buddy of mine on sprint with an android phone sends a text it comes through no problem. Then if he sends one that is really long (2 texts) it comes through in chinese. I asked him wtf and he said something like sprint changes a sms into an mms if its longer than one sms. No idea what this means of if its true, but I thought it may help.
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  #100 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2011, 07:27 AM
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Re: MMS Bounty for CDMA Android Port **Currently: $30**

That's not true. It's some sort of anomaly within the xda android itself. It's happened to me a few times, it has nothing to do with mms. It is also very random, I've tried messing with a few things but nothing seems to be able to re-create it.
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