Originally Posted by gspitman
So, I'm just starting to explore the Android Market on the TP2 port, and I'm noticing that there are no paid apps, and some free ones that I know of are not available either, notably OrbLive Free.
Is there a reason that we're only seeing free apps? Is there a setting that I missed that I need to change?
Please let me know.
That's not the problem. The problem is when you are using cell as your data, the android market pics up your esn and if you buy a app it charges it to your phone bill. Your esn is not a native android phone so the market cannot bill you for something you don't have. If you visit the market via wifi then the paid apps show up. You are then tied to your gmail account and whatever payment gateway you chose.
I hope this makes sense.
I am running a Verizon tp2 with android with sound!! Thanks guys again!