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  #371 (permalink)  
Old 02-18-2010, 02:04 AM
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Re: [1/25/2010] Google Android for TP2 CDMA [In Dev]

I have a idle dual core opteron vmware ESX server with 6gb of memory sitting in a rack in a tier 2 or tier 1(i forget which) datacenter that is kind of bored. How many GB would I need to set up the SVN with? I can deploy a appliance and get it up and running pretty quick. however I'd probably hand off the administration of the VM itself to someone else.
  #372 (permalink)  
Old 02-18-2010, 04:42 AM
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Re: [1/25/2010] Google Android for TP2 CDMA [In Dev]

I think a wave is the way to do it, at least from the usability factor.

I also have invites.
  #373 (permalink)  
Old 02-18-2010, 10:10 AM
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Re: [1/25/2010] Google Android for TP2 CDMA [In Dev]

why cant we use gitorious again?
  #374 (permalink)  
Old 02-18-2010, 10:59 AM
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Re: [1/25/2010] Google Android for TP2 CDMA [In Dev]

Originally Posted by obrienmd View Post
We probably shouldn't worry too much about hosting for collaboration / code on this, folks - there are a lot of git repositories and wikis that would be happy to welcome civic, and are already involved in different htc android adaptations.

Hacking up some one-off svn, or god forbid sharepoint, site for this is a getting waaaaay off track.
I agree. There are several free Git hosting sites for public code it seems (gitorious is one of them I gather) and we should use the "Android on HTC" wiki as a place to put all the updates and FAQs and such.

My offer for hosting was more just to replace the current megaupload hosting for the compiled builds. I don't know much about Git, but I assumed it was only a source code versioning system, and did not contain compiled builds. If it can contain compiled builds for download (packaged for the end users), then everything is covered already.
  #375 (permalink)  
Old 02-18-2010, 12:01 PM
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Re: [1/25/2010] Google Android for TP2 CDMA [In Dev]

Originally Posted by matthewb57 View Post
I agree. There are several free Git hosting sites for public code it seems (gitorious is one of them I gather) and we should use the "Android on HTC" wiki as a place to put all the updates and FAQs and such.

My offer for hosting was more just to replace the current megaupload hosting for the compiled builds. I don't know much about Git, but I assumed it was only a source code versioning system, and did not contain compiled builds. If it can contain compiled builds for download (packaged for the end users), then everything is covered already.
Agreed as well. Use git for source stuff, and if someone wants to setup a file hosting site (I would use a simple public Drupal site w/ logins for "uploaders" myself) for compiled builds, feel free!
  #376 (permalink)  
Old 02-18-2010, 02:16 PM
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Re: [1/25/2010] Google Android for TP2 CDMA [In Dev]

I am not trying to look a gift horse in the mouth or be a complete douche, but what updates do we have on this? It seems the TP1 project gets daily updates (See below). I was kinda hoping since TP2 is newer, and in most people's opinion better, that more people would be involved in trying to perfect this.

I certainly am not a developer and fully realize the complexity of what is being done, so I really do appreciate any work that has been completed on this so far. I am just getting antsy for Android =]
Can we maybe get an update on things that have been tried, whether sucessful or not?


TP1 Updates:

2010-02-16: New kernel. Huge thanks to MrPippy (<-- Donation link -- show him some love if you can, he deserves it). He has finally sorted out the mic issue. It now works without any trickery.
2010-02-14: New kernel. Don't bother upgrading unless you really want to swap the Power (Home) and Center (Enter) buttons. If you do, grab this kernel, and add board-htcraphael-navi.alt_keypad=1 to your cmdline in startup.txt.
2010-02-09: Dropbox killed the file links -- excessive usage. Now on Mediafire. Hope it works.
2010-02-09: New package. Fixed Wifi (I hope).
2010-02-08: New package. Posting the whole blob now. This one has hardware 3d semi-working.
2010-02-04: New kernel/modules. CDMA data stability tweak and re-enabled power collapse.
2010-02-03: New kernel/modules. Enables the 2nd memory bank, giving ~80 more megs of available memory. And boy, is it sweet. Much faster. Also, there's a new XDANDROID package with touchscreen calibration built in, so I've removed the rootfs that was here.
2010-01-31: New kernel/modules/rootfs. Enables touchscreen calibration, as well as various stability improvements. If you have downloaded a modified eclair.user.conf from this thread, DELETE IT, and replace with the original from the XDAndroid package. On first boot, you will be asked to click five points on the screen. Click them very lightly and gingerly, as the touchscreen is hypersensitive. This will save a file, ts-calibration, to the sd card, which will maintain the touchscreen settings for subsequent boots.
2010-01-17 #2: New kernel/modules. Fixes audio, at the expense of the shutdown function no longer working. Small price to pay. Also might be more stable (reverted a line in the smd code that may have been causing crashes on my device).
2010-01-17: Updated eclair.user.conf. Touchscreen works quite well now. Download eclair.user.conf.txt, rename to eclair.user.conf, and replace the file in /Storage Card/conf/
2010-01-16: New kernel/modules. Fixes keyboard. Includes a new, less jumpy touchscreen driver. New touchscreen driver requires calibration to be passed through the eclair.user.conf file, in /Storage Card/conf/. Replace yours with the one attached here. Also, some keyboard fixes require an updated startup.txt, also attached here.
2010-01-10: Oops. Last kernel broke cdma data.
2010-01-09: New kernel/modules. Makes battery status reporting actually work -- though it's still quite inaccurate.
2010-01-08: New kernel/modules. Adds battery status reporting.
2010-01-07: New kernel/modules added. Enables deep sleep/power collapse (see below). Updated instructions for Eclair.
  #377 (permalink)  
Old 02-18-2010, 03:52 PM
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Re: [1/25/2010] Google Android for TP2 CDMA [In Dev]

Originally Posted by superevilllama View Post
I am not trying to look a gift horse in the mouth or be a complete douche, but what updates do we have on this? It seems the TP1 project gets daily updates (See below). I was kinda hoping since TP2 is newer, and in most people's opinion better, that more people would be involved in trying to perfect this.

I certainly am not a developer and fully realize the complexity of what is being done, so I really do appreciate any work that has been completed on this so far. I am just getting antsy for Android =]
Can we maybe get an update on things that have been tried, whether sucessful or not?


TP1 Updates:

Updates flowed freely once the TP1 port was virtually completed and once most features were working - we're nowhere near that point yet with the TP2 port. Take a look at those daily updates you listed; they're all minor tweaks or kernel updates that were done AFTER the full port was nearing completion - notice there's nothing in that list about a major update like a full RIL port (which civic is working on now)

Civic is only a one-man army in this fight so updates will only occur at his pace and according to his schedule. Once/If he gets things rolling at a rate to where the TP2 CDMA port is as completed as the TP1 was, then you'll likely start seeing updates more and more often

Last edited by Eschelon; 02-18-2010 at 03:54 PM.
  #378 (permalink)  
Old 02-18-2010, 03:58 PM
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Re: [1/25/2010] Google Android for TP2 CDMA [In Dev]

This. Is. Awesome.

Cannot wait until we get full functionality on this. I will primarily use Android and have WM6.5 as my backup.

Thanks for all the hard work!
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  #379 (permalink)  
Old 02-18-2010, 04:32 PM
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Re: [1/25/2010] Google Android for TP2 CDMA [In Dev]

Originally Posted by Eschelon View Post
Updates flowed freely once the TP1 port was virtually completed and once most features were working - we're nowhere near that point yet with the TP2 port. Take a look at those daily updates you listed; they're all minor tweaks or kernel updates that were done AFTER the full port was nearing completion - notice there's nothing in that list about a major update like a full RIL port (which civic is working on now)

Civic is only a one-man army in this fight so updates will only occur at his pace and according to his schedule. Once/If he gets things rolling at a rate to where the TP2 CDMA port is as completed as the TP1 was, then you'll likely start seeing updates more and more often
Ahh. Ok. well that sounds good. I do appreciate the information you provided for sure. =]

Thanks again for everyone who is working/helping/facilitating on this!
  #380 (permalink)  
Old 02-18-2010, 07:33 PM
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Re: [1/25/2010] Google Android for TP2 CDMA [In Dev]

Originally Posted by superevilllama View Post
I am not trying to look a gift horse in the mouth or be a complete douche, but what updates do we have on this? It seems the TP1 project gets daily updates (See below). I was kinda hoping since TP2 is newer, and in most people's opinion better, that more people would be involved in trying to perfect this.
I think what it comes down to is I'm better at reading/listening/processing information than I am at actually improving code (I've never written C, so... that's a problem). I spend my time testing, releasing kernels, and writing updates when there isn't any debugging I can sink my teeth into. The hardcore devs... they've always got something better to do than write up what's changed.
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