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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2011, 01:01 PM
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Re: [DEV] - CyanogenMod - 7.1.0 {2.3.7} - 400/500 Only

Originally Posted by Sc/ant864 View Post
Is this why mass storage works?

Sent from my ppcT7380 Ti/FRX06-07 via PPCG app
Not sure what you mean. I'm talking about a cold boot with the charger plugged in.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2011, 01:58 PM
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If the charging isn't controlled by hardware that seemed like a good reason why mass storage didn't work in other builds. Similar to remapping the hard keys and 3.5 Jack along with the USB dongle situation.

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2011, 03:56 PM
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Sound not working for me. Did a fresh install twice, using new recovery from OMGB. Sound seems to come from "ear speaker" instead of speaker phone(it just crackles).

Sent from my TP2 (ACL) CM 7.1.0 using Tapatalk
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2011, 04:03 PM
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Re: [DEV] - CyanogenMod - 7.1.0 {2.3.7} - 400/500 Only

Originally Posted by vzihome View Post
Sound not working for me. Did a fresh install twice, using new recovery from OMGB. Sound seems to come from "ear speaker" instead of speaker phone(it just crackles).

Sent from my TP2 (ACL) CM 7.1.0 using Tapatalk
Thanks for the feedback. If anyone else reports this issue, then the build i posted may be broken. cm7 is actively developed obviously so i try to keep up with their changes daily.

have you seen this happen to omgb ?not sure if you tested that as well
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2011, 06:09 PM
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Re: [DEV] - CyanogenMod - 7.1.0 {2.3.7} - 400/500 Only

Originally Posted by Sc/ant864 View Post
If the charging isn't controlled by hardware that seemed like a good reason why mass storage didn't work in other builds. Similar to remapping the hard keys and 3.5 Jack along with the USB dongle situation.
The mass storage issue on HaRET was mainly because we were running everything off of the SD card, and that's all Android knew. That's how I understood it at least.

On a testing note, I've installed this and am subsequently reinstalling it. ACL - while LK still has the problems I've always had with it - mainly fastboot not wanting to work correctly so I can flash recovery, and then actually booting into recovery - the latter of which is usually solved by making it back into fastboot, then fastboot boot recovery.img... boom. So nothing changed there - but all the buttons are working correctly for me in CWM! Unlike the other recovery (stock AOSP I think you said) where the front buttons rarely ever worked for me - I always had to use the enter key on the keyboard. Now end call and send call are working, every single time I've made it into recovery.

But, it wasn't very rosy once I made it into CM7. It seemed a little slow flipping around the menus, but I hadn't done anything to it. Evidently the built-in overclock features don't work, so I went to the Market and got Titanium Backup in order to restore everything. That went off pretty easily, but then nothing seemed to work again... Literally. The launcher wouldn't even open the app drawer, it would FC. I looked at logcat, and I saw a bunch of anr's, and /data/anr/traces.txt files - just crap crashing over and over. Perhaps something with my backup... but I was also thinking maybe it was the gapps update I flashed? I noticed this is 2.3.7, but the gapps package was for 2.3.5.

I'm going to reflash just CM7 and go from there. Perhaps I won't be able to restore my backups thru TB...

Edit - poop. No Market w/o gapps. What was I thinking, lol. I shall try to shoehorn in a new Market, see if it works...

Last edited by arrrghhh; 11-06-2011 at 06:30 PM.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2011, 06:53 PM
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Re: [DEV] - CyanogenMod - 7.1.0 {2.3.7} - 400/500 Only

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
Thanks for the feedback. If anyone else reports this issue, then the build i posted may be broken. cm7 is actively developed obviously so i try to keep up with their changes daily.

have you seen this happen to omgb ?not sure if you tested that as well
OMGB have no sound issues,works perfect same install used. Also failed wake screen issue might be proximity/light sensor issue. When i get a failed wake screen i cover sensor tap screen, uncover sensor and hold up to bright light and tap screen and screen comes on.

at aarrgh tried installing market by itself cant use need google account settings which is packaged with gapps unless we can extract the google account apk from gapps
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2011, 06:55 PM
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Re: [DEV] - CyanogenMod - 7.1.0 {2.3.7} - 400/500 Only

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
The mass storage issue on HaRET was mainly because we were running everything off of the SD card, and that's all Android knew. That's how I understood it at least.

On a testing note, I've installed this and am subsequently reinstalling it. ACL - while LK still has the problems I've always had with it - mainly fastboot not wanting to work correctly so I can flash recovery, and then actually booting into recovery - the latter of which is usually solved by making it back into fastboot, then fastboot boot recovery.img... boom. So nothing changed there - but all the buttons are working correctly for me in CWM! Unlike the other recovery (stock AOSP I think you said) where the front buttons rarely ever worked for me - I always had to use the enter key on the keyboard. Now end call and send call are working, every single time I've made it into recovery.

But, it wasn't very rosy once I made it into CM7. It seemed a little slow flipping around the menus, but I hadn't done anything to it. Evidently the built-in overclock features don't work, so I went to the Market and got Titanium Backup in order to restore everything. That went off pretty easily, but then nothing seemed to work again... Literally. The launcher wouldn't even open the app drawer, it would FC. I looked at logcat, and I saw a bunch of anr's, and /data/anr/traces.txt files - just crap crashing over and over. Perhaps something with my backup... but I was also thinking maybe it was the gapps update I flashed? I noticed this is 2.3.7, but the gapps package was for 2.3.5.

I'm going to reflash just CM7 and go from there. Perhaps I won't be able to restore my backups thru TB...

Edit - poop. No Market w/o gapps. What was I thinking, lol. I shall try to shoehorn in a new Market, see if it works...
CM7 i believe has different touch screen settings(pressure threshold?) i have trouble deleting widgets on homescreen(have to be very precise and hold button longer than omgb)
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2011, 07:19 PM
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Re: [DEV] - CyanogenMod - 7.1.0 {2.3.7} - 400/500 Only

Yea, there's something really off. I'm going to go back to OMGB for the time being - CM kept freezing up on me, no matter what I was doing. Perhaps it was something with the light sensor, although that seemed to be adjusting quite well.... Hum.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2011, 07:21 PM
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Re: [DEV] - CyanogenMod - 7.1.0 {2.3.7} - 400/500 Only

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
The mass storage issue on HaRET was mainly because we were running everything off of the SD card, and that's all Android knew. That's how I understood it at least.

On a testing note, I've installed this and am subsequently reinstalling it. ACL - while LK still has the problems I've always had with it - mainly fastboot not wanting to work correctly so I can flash recovery, and then actually booting into recovery - the latter of which is usually solved by making it back into fastboot, then fastboot boot recovery.img... boom. So nothing changed there - but all the buttons are working correctly for me in CWM! Unlike the other recovery (stock AOSP I think you said) where the front buttons rarely ever worked for me - I always had to use the enter key on the keyboard. Now end call and send call are working, every single time I've made it into recovery.

But, it wasn't very rosy once I made it into CM7. It seemed a little slow flipping around the menus, but I hadn't done anything to it. Evidently the built-in overclock features don't work, so I went to the Market and got Titanium Backup in order to restore everything. That went off pretty easily, but then nothing seemed to work again... Literally. The launcher wouldn't even open the app drawer, it would FC. I looked at logcat, and I saw a bunch of anr's, and /data/anr/traces.txt files - just crap crashing over and over. Perhaps something with my backup... but I was also thinking maybe it was the gapps update I flashed? I noticed this is 2.3.7, but the gapps package was for 2.3.5.

I'm going to reflash just CM7 and go from there. Perhaps I won't be able to restore my backups thru TB...

Edit - poop. No Market w/o gapps. What was I thinking, lol. I shall try to shoehorn in a new Market, see if it works...
I can confirm the same. Also, no external speaker sound for me either. I do have the gapps package that I've been using on my epic cm7.1, and tried that successfully, but same f/c's and very slugggish after installing.

On a positive note, I believe if we can get this build working properly, it should be the basis of all future development. This is what the TP2 should have been from day one IMHO.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2011, 10:52 PM
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Re: [DEV] - CyanogenMod - 7.1.0 {2.3.7} - 400/500 Only

Wait, what ? CM7 on NAND

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I'm in ... where do I sign up!!

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Last edited by boggsie; 11-06-2011 at 11:00 PM.
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