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  #51 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2011, 03:16 PM
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Re: [TESTING] SCBS: Improved battery meter system

Originally Posted by steveholtam View Post
The phone was on the charger and unused all night, about 9 hours. Do incoming texts/alerts/emails interrupt the sleep cycle?
Yes, anything the phone has to wake up for interrupts sleep. Also, if it was on the charger it wasn't sleeping (phone can't sleep & charge...)
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  #52 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2011, 07:55 PM
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Re: [TESTING] SCBS: Improved battery meter system

Well my phone is constantly receiving texts (from Twitter), emails, WordFeud updates, etc. So maybe my sleeping time will be far and few between. Will the SCBS compute for this?

Here is my latest:


It's just over four hours of data. Can I or should I merge all my logs into one to get a better overall result? I wish I knew what the above numbers mean...
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  #53 (permalink)  
Old 04-15-2011, 09:14 AM
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Re: [TESTING] SCBS: Improved battery meter system

Originally Posted by steveholtam View Post
Well my phone is constantly receiving texts (from Twitter), emails, WordFeud updates, etc. So maybe my sleeping time will be far and few between. Will the SCBS compute for this?

Here is my latest:


It's just over four hours of data. Can I or should I merge all my logs into one to get a better overall result? I wish I knew what the above numbers mean...
jonpry would need to explain them all... I vaguely know what some of the metrics are.

se we know is sleep error. Perhaps you need to get a baseline with a new data.img so your phone can actually sleep? I guess if your phone is never sleeping, then it's not a big deal... Not sure how that works to be honest. Your sleep error looks better at least, 11.6%. I'm not really sure how scbs accounts for devices that never sleep... I would think sleep error would always be skewed, but if the device rarely sleeps perhaps that point is moot. Again, jonpry would be the man to confirm .
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old 04-15-2011, 11:00 AM
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Re: [TESTING] SCBS: Improved battery meter system


I am not sure why but your phone is still not sleeping. You probably want to fix this as your battery life will get at least 5x better. You should be seeing the power led go to solid green about 5 seconds after any activity. Some kind of application your running may be breaking it. Do you have pm.sleep_mode=1 in the STARTUP.txt?

Sleep error is in amperes. So .116 is 116mA. Number should be less than 10ma or so. High Se can result in very bad things if your phone does all of a sudden start sleeping. Ie battery charging when not plugged in.

Re, Rc are ohms representing impedance of the battery. 2 numbers because we model it as 2 batteries in parallel.

Cc, Cb are capacitance in not real units.

Vf corrects for incorrect reporting of battery voltage
Cf corrects for incorrect reporting of charge current
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  #55 (permalink)  
Old 04-15-2011, 11:02 AM
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Re: [TESTING] SCBS: Improved battery meter system

Ah, thanks for the explanation jonpry. Makes much more sense now
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  #56 (permalink)  
Old 04-15-2011, 11:48 AM
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Re: [TESTING] SCBS: Improved battery meter system

Jonpry, how would charging your phone overnight impact the testing? Would it be better to leave it off the charger when I'm streaming music, i.e. sirius radio, which drains like mad, so I typically leave it just plugged in when listening, which can be the better part of a work day?
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  #57 (permalink)  
Old 04-15-2011, 12:57 PM
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Re: [TESTING] SCBS: Improved battery meter system

My phone does go solid green after about 5 seconds. I do have the pm.sleep_mode=1 in my startup.

I don't get horribile battery life though, normally about 9-10 hours under pretty heavy use. This includes lots of texting, mostly incoming thanks to Twitter, reading on the Kindle app, playing WordFeud and X-Construct, and then the Yahoo app pushing my emails. Plus even a few phone calls.

Here is another 15 hour look at my data:

Just for info sake, my Battery Info indicates Good, at 61 mV and a temp of 32.7c.

Usage Stats show (for the last 15 hrs):
Ba tree app 2 1531150 ms
Handcent SMS 6 1478750 ms
Wordfeud 8 1252630 ms
Zeam 22 450520

Other Usage (for the last 15 hrs):
Running 50.8%
Screen On 33.1%
Phone On 3.4%

CPU Usage (for the last 15 hrs):
Android OS
Words Free
Ba tree app
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  #58 (permalink)  
Old 04-15-2011, 02:24 PM
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Re: [TESTING] SCBS: Improved battery meter system


Its hard to see the effect of sleep if your using it a lot. But on my phone, I can get 20hours max with no sleep, and 70 hours with. I do not charge every day. If you don't care about sleep, then arrrghhh is right and scbs will work fine the way it is, just ignore your Se parameter. I'm not really sure why your phone wouldn't be sleeping at this point, other people are probably more skilled than I am at finding wakelocks and such.


Leaving it plugged in all the time is not really a problem. Just if your generating a model for your battery, you will need to spend some considerable time on the battery. Once the model is generated, it does not matter.
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old 04-15-2011, 02:31 PM
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Re: [TESTING] SCBS: Improved battery meter system

Originally Posted by jonpry View Post

Its hard to see the effect of sleep if your using it a lot. But on my phone, I can get 20hours max with no sleep, and 70 hours with. I do not charge every day. If you don't care about sleep, then arrrghhh is right and scbs will work fine the way it is, just ignore your Se parameter. I'm not really sure why your phone wouldn't be sleeping at this point, other people are probably more skilled than I am at finding wakelocks and such.


Leaving it plugged in all the time is not really a problem. Just if your generating a model for your battery, you will need to spend some considerable time on the battery. Once the model is generated, it does not matter.
jonpry, let's say one of the parameters in scbs.conf doesn't look "right", can you just force it to be "right" by changing the value or will that do it no good (I guess all batteries are unique)? my se value is 0.04xxxx which is higher than the one (0.007xxxx) I had with 0.3.d. Or should I try to get more data and run the analysis again; the one I generated with 0.3.d had like 3 charge/discharge cycles of log collected whereas the most recent one based off 0.4.a has only 1 cycle. I have been off your test kernel for over a day now but I'll be back on it.
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  #60 (permalink)  
Old 04-15-2011, 03:21 PM
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Re: [TESTING] SCBS: Improved battery meter system


The big different between 3.d and 4.a is that 4.a attempt to calculate Se where as it used to be fixed to .007. I'm not sure what it should be for your phone. I know that it is ~.0013 on rhod300, and .0075 on rhod210. If you can get lots of logs, and find that different combinations give you some consistent number, then we will know what it should be with some confidence. Other than that it kind of requires a multimeter .

Editing the conf is a fine thing to do if your so inclined.
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