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  #1791 (permalink)  
Old 03-16-2011, 09:21 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-11: FRX05 on NAND (data working again!)

Originally Posted by joshts0 View Post
So if I take the battery out, and wait for a while.. put the battery back in, plug the phone in, the amber light will come on, I will not touch the power bottom, but after a couple of minutes, the phone will at some point make that one little vibrate thing, and a few mins after that it will start to boot up, but it wnt make it through the boot cycle of course and die again.. then the whole process starts over . Does that make since? I could prolly video tape the whole thing if needed..
not at all. means your phone boots up anytime it wants lol. So im going to drain my batt and see what i can do. I dont have an AC charger so i only charge via usb but hopefully i can replicate. So this happens when u use usb or ac charger?
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  #1792 (permalink)  
Old 03-16-2011, 10:33 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-11: FRX05 on NAND (data working again!)

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
not at all. means your phone boots up anytime it wants lol. So im going to drain my batt and see what i can do. I dont have an AC charger so i only charge via usb but hopefully i can replicate. So this happens when u use usb or ac charger?
i dont know bout him but by me yes it happens weather i use usb or ac charger
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  #1793 (permalink)  
Old 03-16-2011, 10:38 PM
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Yup, everyone is reiterating my exact problem. both cables don't help and boots on its own as soon its gained enough charge to do so. Then dies because NO battery drivers are loaded during the code on screen portion thus allowing the lil charge to be depleated.

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  #1794 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2011, 01:01 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-11: FRX05 on NAND (data working again!)

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
Thanks or the log. Can you get me one more? get me a dmesg when you are trying to use pandora. Just to make sure its not kernel related.
Here is my dmesg...
Attached Files
File Type: zip dmesg.zip (10.5 KB, 1 views) Click for barcode!
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  #1795 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2011, 01:10 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-11: FRX05 on NAND (data working again!)

Originally Posted by MassStash View Post
Yup, everyone is reiterating my exact problem. both cables don't help and boots on its own as soon its gained enough charge to do so. Then dies because NO battery drivers are loaded during the code on screen portion thus allowing the lil charge to be depleated.


haha so i was able to replicate. So i drained the batt and saw what was going on. The phone does turn itself on but i had a weird issue that the lcd panel didnt go on. i heard the double vibs and it looked off but sure enough i could adb into the beotch. the phone remained on because my panel was off and therefore android didnt go on to enter a vicious boot loop yall described.

Anyone know if this is happening with haret as well ? i guess its hard to say since they have winmo to fall back to. i'll have to look into this, but i dont want to hold back the release for this.
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  #1796 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2011, 01:52 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-11: FRX05 on NAND (data working again!)

@ACL, I'm on haret and just DL Swapper2 (uses SD for cache opening up free mem) there is a noticable increase in speed. Is there a way to do that with NAND???? As reference, my wife's EVO has 350 mb free ram (using sprint lovers rom)----with WinMo, we're lucky to pull 115 on a fresh boot---on haret (Vin titanium 107 at boot) 95 at boot on haret, drops down to 60...the point is, I have 128mb on my SD specificaly for cache. therefore my free ram drops MUCH slower, and the overall speed is insane. the more I open, the more gets cached to SD....leaving our precious little free mem to do the physical work.

anyway, just wondering if that was something ya'll were thinking of throwing in the mix
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  #1797 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2011, 02:24 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-11: FRX05 on NAND (data working again!)

Originally Posted by ffkip911 View Post
@ACL, I'm on haret and just DL Swapper2 (uses SD for cache opening up free mem) there is a noticable increase in speed. Is there a way to do that with NAND???? As reference, my wife's EVO has 350 mb free ram (using sprint lovers rom)----with WinMo, we're lucky to pull 115 on a fresh boot---on haret (Vin titanium 107 at boot) 95 at boot on haret, drops down to 60...the point is, I have 128mb on my SD specificaly for cache. therefore my free ram drops MUCH slower, and the overall speed is insane. the more I open, the more gets cached to SD....leaving our precious little free mem to do the physical work.

anyway, just wondering if that was something ya'll were thinking of throwing in the mix
We currently have 32 MB of NAND being used for cache, and there is already a cache directory under /sdcard/cache that is created for Haret. I'm not sure how to check the cache partition for utilization, but we can probably increase it if it were needed. Another option, though you would have to modify initrd would be to move the cache to the sdcard, but then you can't remove the sdcard without losing cache. Also, we should be moving dalvik cache to the cache partition per AOSP.
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  #1798 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2011, 02:27 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-11: FRX05 on NAND (data working again!)

So, removing /bin from sysinit.rc caused some weird data issues for me. It would start out on 3G but could never download anything. Then it would switch over to Edge and downloads would work but of course be really slow. Anyone else experience this? For now, I've just removed the link for /bin/su and put /bin back in the path. I'm thinking there are some things that reference it directly that are no longer getting called (like the ppp scripts or something).

Also, I just created the /sbin/ueventd link (to /system/init) and put init.android from rootfs as /system/init. It seems to be running like a dream!

Last edited by natemcnutty; 03-17-2011 at 02:34 AM.
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  #1799 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2011, 02:49 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-11: FRX05 on NAND (data working again!)

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
So, removing /bin from sysinit.rc caused some weird data issues for me. It would start out on 3G but could never download anything. Then it would switch over to Edge and downloads would work but of course be really slow. Anyone else experience this? For now, I've just removed the link for /bin/su and put /bin back in the path. I'm thinking there are some things that reference it directly that are no longer getting called (like the ppp scripts or something).

Also, I just created the /sbin/ueventd link (to /system/init) and put init.android from rootfs as /system/init. It seems to be running like a dream!
oo.. need to update the frx then. I'm uploading the last recovery for testing. Did you play with the last one? there was a bug with the backup and restore.
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  #1800 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2011, 02:54 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-11: FRX05 on NAND (data working again!)

Originally Posted by ffkip911 View Post
@ACL, I'm on haret and just DL Swapper2 (uses SD for cache opening up free mem) there is a noticable increase in speed. Is there a way to do that with NAND???? As reference, my wife's EVO has 350 mb free ram (using sprint lovers rom)----with WinMo, we're lucky to pull 115 on a fresh boot---on haret (Vin titanium 107 at boot) 95 at boot on haret, drops down to 60...the point is, I have 128mb on my SD specificaly for cache. therefore my free ram drops MUCH slower, and the overall speed is insane. the more I open, the more gets cached to SD....leaving our precious little free mem to do the physical work.

anyway, just wondering if that was something ya'll were thinking of throwing in the mix
swapper? i wonder if this is just for swap memory not like our cache. Our cache is needed for android and recovery so its prob not what you are talking about.

Like nate said, we are trying to stick to aosp as close as possible. If this is just a mem swapper, then its easy enough for anyone to implement. Also if this is an APK, whats stopping you from running it on nand ? shit will prob kill your sd tho. Sd doesnt like swappyness much
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