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Old 05-20-2011, 08:10 PM
mapaz04's Avatar
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Arrow /system/app RECOVERY on ACER A500 Iconia Tablet

Ok, I have received many requests for different apps from the /system/app folder as it appears that once we begin to tinker with this folder, we are not able to restore the tablet as we receive messages like: missing ***.apk

On the following link you will find a 7z file that has the contents of all /system/app folder in your ICONIA A500 tablet.

Please understand that I am only posting this for RECOVERY PURPOSES ONLY. If you need it, get it from the following link... jejeje

LINK - - - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8KHWBF7E - - - LINK
This is MY LINK so I can guarantee 100% safe. Let me know if you need anything else my peoples... jejeje

Last edited by mapaz04; 05-24-2011 at 11:32 AM. Reason: updated link
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  PPCGeeks > Other Devices > Android Tablets

a500 /app, acer a500, iconia, iconia /app

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