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Old 03-18-2011, 07:24 AM
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CM7 released for Nook

I don't know who actually reads the nook board here; however, I thought you all should know that CM7 has been released in beta form.

Originally Posted by dalingrin View Post
Please limit this thread to development comments and questions!
The users thread is for all other posts.
When in doubt, post in the users thread.

After many long nights of banging our heads against keyboard, the CM7 port is finally shaping up.
In addition to nightly releases, we may from time to time be releasing test builds here for your feedback and enjoyment. If you find issues please feel free to post here in this thread. Leave all other feedback for the user thread.
Where to get progress news:

I will tweet progress from time to time.
Twitter: @dalingrin

We are usually in #nookie on freenode.

You can always check the Cyanogen git@ http://github.com/cyanogenmod
Current Issues

****Should be fixed in nightly 13****

-A few apps do not scale to full screen
In order to get Market and Maps to work fully the lcddensity has to be
set to something other than 160 causing a few apps not to scale properly.

-Wifi slow to reconnect at times
Reports of slow wifi reconnect after the nook has been asleep for a while. Will eventually reconnect.

-Video playback is slow
See this post for an explanation: xda-developers - View Single Post - [DEV] CM7 Developers Thread **Basic video test build [03/15/11]**

-Default rotary lockscreen does not fit screen
Work is underway to get the lockscreen to work on tablet devices.
In the meantime you can switch to the slider using Cyanogenmod Settings.

-Market partially works

-Bluetooth does not work
****Update**** Bluetooth now works in CM7.
Bluetooth is working seemingly perfect except for the range. Unfortunately, the range is terrible.
Depending on the device you are paried with, the range is between 1-5ft. Any ideas on how to
fix the range issue would be much appreciated.

-Do not use SetCPU profiles
If you enable SetCPU profiles it will become a runaway process eating 100% cpu.
Setting your cpu clock can be done in Cyanogenmod Settings. Under Performance->CPU Settings

-Internal storage partition is not mounted on boot and is not shareable via USB
Download and Install

This is installable ONLY with an ext4 aware Clockwork Mod Recovery.

*** Also it is critical to be aware that installing CM7 will write to the internal emmc of your device. You are advised NOT to try it. But if you choose to do so, understand you do so entirely at your own risk. Read sections 15-17 of the GPL for the gist of this disclaimer. There is no warranty or claim of usefulness or fitness for any particular purpose. No one but you shall accepts responsibility for what may happen if you download or try to use this development software. ***

Download for CM7:
Test build for 03/15/11:

Overview of test build:
Has basic video playback. YouTube app and local files work but play at a slow fps.
Check the above issue list for more details.

Changes that are still in review: (these will not make it into the nightly)
-DSP firmware added
-Rotary lock screen fixed
-Wifi adhoc removed

03/15/11 Test build download:
Free File Hosting Made Simple - MediaFire
md5sum: 1ec8d438785346fd0533d65d54227fb1 update-cm-7.0.0-Test-031511-signed.zip
CyanogenMod Mirror Network - Powered by TDRevolution

Install instructions:
xda-developers - View Single Post - [RECOVERY] EXT4 Compatible Bootable Clockwork SD Card 0.1 (+ tasty treats)
[DEV] CM7 Developers Thread **Basic video test build [03/15/11]** - xda-developers
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Old 05-02-2011, 06:52 PM
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Re: CM7 released for Nook

Finally got around to installing the stable version about a week ago. Not one problem to report...it took longer to download all the files then to complete the entire installation process. Also threw in the 1.1 overclocked kernel.

Have had zero problems with WiFi or FC's. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to get more out of their Color Nook.

"I don't want to spend my life explaining myself. Either you get it or you don't." Frank Zappa
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