Android x-86
Android for your PC is here thanks to the folks at http://www.android-x86.org/. I noticed it from xda thread http://ip208-100-42-21.static.xda-de....php?p=6885024 but they were using the prebuilt donut.
Here's my contribution: I made a working android-x86 alpha eclair 2.1 build with gapps. Designed for aspire one but also should work on vmware and vbox. Will boot and work (somewhat) on most computers (built with generic kernel config so all available .ko drivers are there) however you may have to modprobe the drivers for ethernet and wlan for your hardware. Make a bootable usb with unetbootin from the .iso is the best way to use it and you can install to hdd too from it. http://www.aspireoneuser.com/forum/v...art=30#p116492 Notice the 2.1 x-86 source had a broken wpa_supplicant so I had to use the one donut's external/wpa_supplicant when I compiled.
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