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Old 11-04-2015, 03:08 AM
dangkhoihoang90's Avatar
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Earn money from your huge uninsall

[Appjolt] Get money from uninstalls
Hello everybody, I just found a system allow you earn money from uninstalls, this is Appjolt, show advertisements when user uninstall your app. Sound’s good, right? I will guide you in detail:
1. Register your account with this link:
You will have 50$ in your account. The minium money to withdraw is 100$. You can use your paypal or bank account.
2. Download SDK in Android SDK or iOs SDK, it has unity plugin for android and ios, just 200kb
3. In Applications, click +Add Application
4. After submited your app, click +Add Campain to creat a campain (4 type):
- Monetize: show advertisements
- Winback: offer the user to re-install your app and win a prize (gem, gold, virtual item or something real)
- Cross Promote: present your another app
- Survey: asking the user why they are uninstalling your app
5. Analyze uninstall: mixpanel, omniata, appsee, coolaData
Example with Mixpanel, you register an Mixpanel account and copy the Token and paste to appjolt
6. Import Appjolt plugin to your unity game
- The first step of the integration is to import the appjolt Unity package. To do so, simply drag and drop Appjolt.unitypackage into the assets folder of your project in the Unity editor, and the following window will come up, Make sure all the resources are selected and press import:
- The next step is to add a GameObject to any scene that will integrated with Appjolt. To do so, create a new GameObject in the root of the scene’s hierarchy and rename it to “Appjolt”. Next, add an existing script component to the new Appjolt GameObject, select the AppjoltUnity.cs
script from your scripts. Your scene editor should then be configured to and look similar to the following screenshot:
Now, whenever you’ll need to call Appjolt in a Unity scene, to access the SDK’s main object, use the following code:
appjoltUnity = GameObject.Find ("Appjolt").GetComponent<AppjoltUnity> ();
That’s it. Your project’s now set up with Appjolt, now all that’s left is to implement specific
End User License Agreement
We find great importance being in compliance with Google Play Developer Program Policies
If you are operating within Google's Play store and interacting with ads out of your application, it requires the user's consent in a form of an EULA. In the context of our service, if you're using Monetize or Ad
-Based Winback/Cross
-Promotion campaigns, please add the following code to your main menu or splash screen:
if (appjoltUnity.isGooglePlayInstall()) {

- Android manifest:
<!-- Appjolt - Required -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMP LETED" />

<!-- Appjolt - Highly Recommended (Guaranteed $10 CPM US)-->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCAT ION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOC ATION" />
Trong tag <Application>
<!-- Appjolt -->
<!-- Appjolt Activity -->
<activity android:name="com.appjolt.sdk.AppjoltActivity"
android:configChanges="orientation|keyboardHidden| screenSize"

<!-- Appjolt Service -->
android:exported="true" />

<!-- Appjolt BOOT receiver -->

<action android:name="android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED " />
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MY_PACKAGE_REP LACED" />

So simple. And now, lets earn money from the huge uninstall.
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