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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2013, 12:10 PM
aljazvidmar's Avatar
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[Released] Simon Says HD

Hi folks! I’ve just released my second FREE Android Game called SIMON SAYS HD

Simon Says HD is a classic memory game from the 80s. Just follow and repeat the sequence of lights and sounds for as long as you can.

You can get it from: https://play.google.com/store/apps/d...gnstudio.simon
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/SimonSaysHd
Project homepage: Simon Says HD – new game released on Google Play | ADesign Studio – multimedia, graphics and art

- 4 difficulty levels: easy, normal, hard and extra.
- beautiful HD graphics optimized for multiple screen resolution and densities
- works well also on 7 and 10 inch tablets
- multiple themes (graphic + sounds): Classic, Gangnam Style, BMW, Hello Kitty + more to come…
- local and global leaderboards (Scoreloop) for each level

Difficulty levels:
Easy : constant pattern speed and no timeout.
Normal : pattern speed gets faster and there is 2 sec timeout.
Hard : pattern speeds get even faster and there is 1 sec timeout.
Extra : each round two notes are added to the sequence, pattern speed gets faster and there is 1 sec timeout.

Game Screenshots:

Simon Says HD Game: Simon Says HD on Goolge Play
My First Game: Tic Tac Toe on Goolge Play
My Blog: ADesign Studio - multimedia, graphics and art
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