[App] Battery Widget v1.6.11
Battery Widget v1.6.11
Requirements: Android 2.0 or higher Overview: This doesn't open, it is a Widget not an app. Add on homescreen with Menu -> Add -> Widgets -> Battery Widget [break] For quick access to the controls for turning Wi-Fi on and off, this application requires device permissions to view Wi-Fi state, change Wi-Fi state, and "prevent device from sleeping". This application does not, however, do anything to prevent the device from sleeping. Also, in order to display whether the GPS receiver is on or off, for display purposes only, this application requires the additional device permission to access "fine (GPS) location". This application, however, does not actually ever access device location information. More Info: Code:
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.geekyouup.android.widgets.battery&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5nZWVreW91dXAuYW5kcm9pZC53aWRnZXRzLmJhdHRlcnkiXQ.. Battery Widget 1.6.11 app for Android_Free Android apps download MoreFree android apps here |