[FREE GAME] Man Fart V1.0.1
Man Fart V1.0.1
Requirements: Android 1.6 or higher Overview: Two men are over there in the bus stop! They are waiting for the bus. One of them want to fart but he doesn't let others notice this, so he has to fart when any vehicles pass by. [break] NOTES: Fart when there are cars passing by and sounding its horn,or you will get caught and... SCOREBOARD SUPPORTED,SUBMIT YOUR SCORE AND COMPETE WITH OTHER USERS AROUND THE WORLD! HOW TO PLAY: Tap on screen to fart. Tap on round button to temporarily release the fart pressure. More Info: Code:
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.funnygames.manfart&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDEsImNvbS5mdW5ueWdhbWVzLm1hbmZhcnQiXQ.. Man Fart 1.0.1 game for Android_Free Android games download More Free android games here |