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Old 02-15-2012, 07:38 AM
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Lightbulb XO Me app launched on Valentines Day

Hi, We've launched XO ME through the phone app just in time for valentines day.



Ever want to kiss some one through the phone. The XO ME APP let’s you. XO ME (Hugs & Kisses) “Kiss Me Through The Phone.” Send LOVE messages along with a visual representation from your fingertips.

I sent a handful of Kisses and Hugs, of different types, well worth the price, Free!" 5 STARS" Lisa*****

Enjoy a favorite Kiss, or hug and share it a lover or a close friend; a great representation of your emotions sent right from your phone, along with special poems.

"Genius, I was able to use this app for making my feelings felt and easy to access." T. Harcourt. *****5 Stars

Kiss Me Through The Phone” is Fantastic!

This App includes Hugs and Kisses of all types:

HUGS: The Bear Hug, the Buddy Hug, the Hug and Twirl, the Polite Hug, the Quickie Hug, the Sleepy Shoulder Hug, the waistline Hug, the Animal Hug;

KISSES: Animated, Anonymous, Butterfly Kiss, Cheek Kiss, Earlobe Kiss, Eskimo, Eye Kiss, Eyelid Kiss, Finger Kiss, Foot Kiss, Forehead Kiss, Freeze Kiss (Melt Kiss), French Kiss, Fruity Kiss, Gay Kiss, Hand Kiss, Hickey Kiss, Hostage Kiss, Hot and Cold Kiss, neck kiss, Letter Kiss, Lick Kiss, Lip Sucking Kiss, Mistletoe Kiss, Nip Kiss, Quickie Kiss, Reverse Lip Kiss, Searching the Cavern, Shoulder Kiss, Sip Kiss, Talking kiss, Teaser, the Buzzing Kiss, the Whipped Cream Kiss, Tiger Kiss, Tongue Sucking, Trickle Kiss, Vacuum Kiss, Virtual Kiss, and the Wake up Kiss;

HEARTS: Send a Heart, Sweethearts, and Virtual Hearts.

KISS ME THROUGH THE PHONE’s “ Love quotes also gives you the ability to send a message along with your picture to make making you feel smart. 100's of quotes at your fingertips, coaxing you through a quick list of quotes, quick concise and available when you need them.

"I love this App!" This App will make you an erudite of love." Get our app now and keep your friends filled with passion.

"Outstanding App! Quick reminders of long forgotten love quotes. Took strokes off my game, making me feel at ease." S. Howell "5 STARS" *****

Find the quote you need to tell &'look' it up. Get QUICK inspirational love quotes to tell your lover.

Kiss Me Through The Phone Love”Quote samples:

A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.- Ingrid Bergman

True love is not the number of kisses, or how often you get them, true love is the feeling that still lingers long after the kiss is over. - Jenna

Love is a moment that lasts forever...
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