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Old 10-12-2011, 10:24 PM
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Let's Golf 3 HD released to Android Market for FREE

Gameloft is trying something new with their new Let's Golf 3 HD game, they're making it available for free. Of course, there' a catch. You basically have to pace yourself since your ability to play actually depends on something called energy points. You use these points to play holes on the course and when you run out you can recharge them by not playing the game. Weird, I know, but they're trying to annoy people who want to play for an extended period of time.

For casual gamers, it may not be a big deal because you can play 5 holes of golf, take a break for 5 hours (you gain a point per hour) then come back and play again.

Anyway, check out the video review to see if it's worth downloading - Let's Golf 3 HD Android game released for free (video review)
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