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Old 07-14-2011, 06:32 PM
brad2taylor's Avatar
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Redirecting mic on a mono-BT headset to a specific app - VirtualAmp

I teach dog training at a local Petsmart. One day I had an idea to use my phone, with large external speakers, to amplify my voice (very handy when you have a small yappy dog in class). I found an app called VirtualAmp, which is used with earphones, to amply a persons voice in a conversation. Something like the sonic ear that was advertised on tv for a while. I was able to plug in the speakers and speak into the phone mic, but it created a terrible echo effect. I tried to use a mono bluetooth headset with it but i cannot redirect the BT mic to the VirtualAmp app. My question to you all - Is there a way to redirect the mic on my mono BT headset to a specific app?
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  PPCGeeks > Android > Android Apps & Games

amplify, bluetooth, microphone, virtualamp, voice

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