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Old 08-24-2010, 01:34 PM
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Payday for Android

I switched over to Android when the EVO came out and I'm loving it. Developing is a bit different. I finally converted my popular Win Payday app I developed for windows mobile over to Android with some new added features that were requested. I've seen a couple on the market that offer similar results but most of them look up the tax rates in your area so its never going to work on a per individual basis, which is the bulk of complaints from what I've read. This is why I gave my app the ability to let the user input his/her own tax withholding rates for a more accurate user by user result. Take and figure out your Tax percentages and enter them, along with your other deductions, Insurance, 401k (new), and even an other category for anything not specifically categorized. This also gives you the ability to state if they need to come out before or after taxes. Also enter in how long your pay period is in either hours days or weeks with your overtime rate and it will figure your overtime pay into your total as well. Once you get everything entered in, back on the main screen just put in how many hours you worked this pay and it will do the rest. Your Tax and OT Data will be saved until you remove the app/reinstall. Nothing is sent ANYWHERE, your data stays on your phone. If anyone has any questions/comments/concerns please feel free to e-mail me at androidpayday at gmail dot com. There is a Free version and a donate version, if you like the app and use it please consider donating. Also the Donate version will have a few extra features I'm working on now. Check it out on the Android Market just search for Payday. Thanks guys
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-24-2010, 11:29 PM
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Re: Payday for Android

nice app thanks bro

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