patmannyc nailed it.
Push uses I believe (roughly) 2.8% battery/hour which is quite efficient.
Make no mistake, it uses battery power but it's very little and worth it due to the convenience. When Exchange/push came out there were some battery issues which usually had to do with the server side "pinging" too much.
That's all been fixed now. Mail2web is a great example of superior service. 4smartphone as well.
In general, efficiency goes like this (leas to most)
pop3 --> imap --> imap/idle and Exchange push
Polling 'X' mins is less efficient than push or exchange.
Also, if you are concerned about battery life, pick yourelf up a Seidio 2400 mah battery (600 more than the standard). It's the same size as the stock and will add significant power to your device.