Originally Posted by al3azim
Thanks for the answer to the first question. In regards to my 2nd, on the people tab, do the Home, Cell and work buttons call the appropriate numbers for that contact? In the previous version of Rhodium, the buttons only called the same number but the text and email buttons worked correctly. I hope this makes sense
Oh I see what you are talking about, this doesn't work with the newest build yet but I did found a fix for it though, I will attached it to this post.
Originally Posted by jakewill
Thanks for the reply Mystery.
I did find at least an easer / more visual way to change my wallpaper from titanium. If I go to Pictures, then either highlight or open the picture I want, then go to Menu>Set as Today Background. Works like a dream.
I use iGO8 and am trying to find a good music streaming app (Pandora isn't running and sounds crappy, last.fm/pocketscrobbler get choppy fast) Any suggestions from anyone? (I know, wrong forum, but I like the way you MysteryROMers think)
I did find a nice little visual task changer that I mapped to my long-press send button called Taskfacade. It's sweet. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=420220
Glad you were able to figure out a way to solve your problem, as for a music streaming app, I personally don''t use one so I don't know which one to suggest to you. Try searching for one in the forum and I'm sure you will find some reviews on them.
Originally Posted by ifaudi
Any reason why the lock button on the TF3D home screen doesn't work but when you goto Start, Lock it works? The home screen lock just turns off the display while the start lock actually brings up the slider.
That is because I set it up like that, it just turns off the display. I can make it go to the WM 6.5 lock screen but since I don't use it that much I don't think I will change that.
Originally Posted by itr325
Is there a way to get this task br icons VVVVVVV
Versus these VVVVVVV
You mean you want to use the old icons instead of the ones I just recently changed to>
If so here is the link to the thread: