Thread: Music Manager
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Old 06-02-2009, 10:18 PM
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Re: Music Manager

Originally Posted by T6D16C84 View Post
I have a question, I just ripped a random CD I burned off my girlfriends iTunes onto my computer. When the songs get added to my CD they are added as Track 01, Track on. So I have went in and made the necessary changes so the tracks read with artist and song title. When I add them to my storage they show as the file name but when S2P reads them they only show as track can I fix that?
When you say you made changes so the tracks read with artist and song title, you mean "externally" to the filename? If so, I think you are finding that S2P like most software reads the MP3 information encoded inside the file.

You would need to change this with some software on your PC I think. I believe I've used something way back in the day to do that but I can't recall it's name. Google something like MP3 ID EDITOR.