hi guys. i'm sorry if this has been covered. I've gone through every post i can and have spent the better part of 3 full days on this and am completely at a loss.
i'm a newbie too so please try to keep your answers complete because things that should be obvious to me might not necessarily be
ok i have a problem with trying this aGPS fix. it's not that it doesn't work, it's that i can't even begin! i've installed the drivers and the qpst. then i put my phone in diag mode by pressing ##3424# (i have to press an extra # at the end instead of send).
at that point, when i plug in my phone, it doesn't recognize it and start installing drivers. the window pops up that says detected new hardware and asks if it can search windows update for drivers. whatever i do it doesn't find the proper drivers so i never get to go beyond that point. please help. i would love to have gps working. btw, when i run GPSinfo, it tells me that it has an active gps in com4 but doesn't lock on to anything. ever. even if i let it run for an hour.

please help!