Originally Posted by kjhadfield
pls be patient! give tsowen sum time, he never even reply 2 ur 1st post, so there for he hasnt been on 2 reply or its not ready! when he's done, he'll post it.
every1 seems 2 forget people have a life!
Originally Posted by tsowen
patients guys still working on a few icons in my spare time, was called into work late last night so didn't have the time I had hoped. I promise its around the corner and will be out very soon. Its not a major change just improvement on several icons and so updated ones.
+1 !!! These guys work hard to make these icons (usually in photoshop or similar app)
and then take the time to swap out the icons using a resource editor
and then install them onto a device to test for quality, screensize, bugs, etc
and then fix any issues that might arise
and then move on the next icon, task, etc... While it may not sound like it, I can tell u from personal experience just finding an icon online and swappin' out the icons in the dlls takes time and effort, let alone all the work these guys do on
making these amazing icons !!! I consider myself lucky as I dont have the time to fully develop something this awesome, but thanks to the work of others that have a few spare moments i am able to pimp my ppc in my spare time, and considering tsowen's recent promotion to mod status i would say his next release may be delayed. so what i'm trying to say is like tsowen and kjhadfield said... be patient or just do it yourself !!!