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Old 07-01-2006, 03:13 PM
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thanks Wideawake2 for the response. i think you were the one who invited me here initially as well.

i've update active sync as well as the ROM, all about 1 hour ago. both going very smoothly. i didnt even try the portriat to landscape till i read your reply...WOW it is much faster. i also noticed that reception is improved for now operates in some parts of my basement which is a deadzone for most people. anxious to see what else is working differently.

im going to upgrade the camera later today and possibly the browser as well.

question: i ordered a 1gig miniSD ($33.99, $18.99 after rebate ) and it should be arriving soon. should i go ahead and install programs to the hard drive or wait for the card to come?
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