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Old 05-01-2009, 01:06 PM
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Re: [???] To Be Updated

Frequently Asked Questions
Basic Questions

1. What devices is MightyROM made for?
HTC Touch Pro(Raphael), HTC Diamond.

2. What is a soft and hard reset?
Soft reset is to restart your device without the loss of any saved information. 
Hard reset is to format the phone to factory defaults. 
To perform a hard reset you can either use the clear storage link found in
Start > Settings > System Tab - Clear storage or with the device powered off, 
press and hold volume down plus the action button (the center of the d-pad)
and then press and hold the power button and you will get the dialog box
to clear your data.

3. Why do I have to hard reset after I flash the MightyROM?
It is known to resolve some minor issues that may occur while flashing your
device.  It isn't mandatory, but is a recommended to make sure there's no 
issues after the ROM has been loaded

4. Can I use the themes on another ROM?
No, LilRico has created them specifically for use with the MightyROM TouchPro
and Diamond series ROMs and cannot guarantee them to work else where.

5. Are there any basic requirements before I flash to a custom ROM?
Backup your data on your phone, restart your computer, just to ensure that
nothing is running in the background that may hinder the flash. Sync your 
device using ActiveSync(XP) Windows Mobile Center ( Vista & Windows 7).  Make
sure there is a 50%+ charge on the battery. Then your set to load the ROM 
Update Utility.

6. What is a MightyROM Hotfix?
It's a small fix to resolve any sort of glitch that wasn’t found through the 
BETA testing phaze.

7. Does MightyROM work on a GSM devices?
No it does not. It only works on CDMA devices.

8. Why doesn’t MightyMike have some of the leaked stuff on his ROMs?
MightyROM's aim to be 100% stable. Everything that is pre-loaded into the ROM,
must be tested to work to its full potential without hindering performance
or stability.

9. Is there a kitchen for this ROM?
No there is not.

10. Do ## codes work on MightyROM?
Yes they do.

11. Where do I find the files I need to unlock the phone and be able to flash?
Go to the CDMA HTC Touch Pro Upgrades section and read the stickies on top.
How To Flash Your Touch Pro

12. Is TV out application included on MightyROM?
Yes it is!

13. Any thoughts on a 21XXX build?
It will be tested, reviewed, and checked to see if 21XXX builds meet MightyROM 

14. Are there any Registry editors pre-loaded on the ROM?
You can access it through the Task Manager application. Start > Programs.

15. Is there an achieve of the CABS or files that have been posted?
In the CDMA HTC Touch Pro Upgrades section, look for the MightyROM thread. 
On top of the rating(stars) you will see “Files” click it and browse.

16. I just installed Arcsoft but its nowhere to be found. Where did it go?
Arcsoft is integrated with the text messaging. Create a new text, then Menu >
Insert > choose what you desire to include on the MMS.

17. What is PRL(Preferred Roaming List)?
PRL is when you're roaming, It tells the phone what tower to aim at for the
best reception depending on your carriers agreements. It lets the phone know
which towers to hit if more then 1 is available for service.

18. Is there a way to revert the size of the scrolls to their default size?
Set both values to 13.

How To Questions

1. How do I get the Enlarged start menu?
-Enable large start menu.

2. What are the registry entries needed for the 7 bar signal indicator to work 
on TSOwen's taskbar?
-"SignalStrengthLevel" value="5"
-Change the "5" to "7"

3. How do you get 4-row icons?
-[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shell\IconCo nfig]


4. How do I flash using my SD card?
-Rename the custom ROM NBH file from RUU_Signed.nbh to RAPHIMG.nbh
-Copy RAPHIMG.nbh to the root of your microSD Card.
-Hold the Volume Down and Power button simultaneously. While you're still 
holding those 2 buttons, press the reset button with your stylus.
-When your Touch Pro tells you to do so, press the power button to begin
the flash process. If you do not get the message to press the power button 
to flash, there is a mistake in the name of the NBH file or you do not 
have the file at the root of your microSD card.
-When flashing is complete, perform a soft reset.

5. How do I adjust the text to be bigger/smaller?
Start > Settings > System Tab > Screen > Text Size Tab

6. Reg. edit to Disable DCIM.
HKLM\Software\HTC\Camera\General\EnableDCIM set value to 0.

7. How do I select multiple e-mails/text messaging?
In the Messaging all select: Menu > Select Messages > -Several or all

8. How to make Opera my default web browser?
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shell\Rai\: DEFBROWSER
"0"=Opera Browser
"1"=\Windows\OperaL.exe Frequently Asked Questions by: Cochoz
For Verizon Wireless TouchPro's
Originally Posted by lordshadowz
Verizon Wireless Touch Pro (Xv6850) Mighty ROM 5 Setup/Tweak/VzW Issues/Native Apps install and Fixes Post

This posting is designed specifically for Verizon Touch Pro users using Mighty Rom 5. As the VzW version of the Touch Pro has less RAM than any of the other versions, Mighty's Rom must be tweaked a little to get the maximum amount of RAM available after installation, yet leaving the awesome responsiveness of the ROM. There are also Verizon native apps and some issues/bugs specific to Verizon that you will find answers/fixes too. You will also find essential apps attached to this post.

For anyone else wanting extra Ram you can also read on. Some of the techniques can be used on any Touch Pro.

This post is broken down into sections.

I.Initial requirements and set up.
II.Changing the Pagepool to get additional RAM.
III.Disabling the HTC Dialer for additional RAM
IV.Tips- Including MMS/GPS/ Radio updates
V.Verizon Native Applications
VI.Bugs Including DATA and MS Voice Command.

I. Initial Requirements.

1)Your Device must be fully charged
2)Your Device must be successfully Activesynced
3)All of Your Data/Contacts/Software must be backed up.
4)Be prepared to Flash your Device. Changing the Pagepool requires a flash.
5)Have downloaded and installed Winrar or any .rar extension unzipper.

This posting assumes you already know how to, or have already unlocked your Verizon Touch Pro. If not please visit here to get started:

Make sure you've also read the FAQ for this ROM itself located at the following link, after it loads scroll down past the wallpapers: The FAQ will answer many questions specific to the ROM itself.

II. Changing the Pagepool to get additional RAM

If you do not know what a Pagepool is, please visit the following link to learn about it:

Mighty Rom 5 is set at a pagepool of 16 megs. This is too high for our Verizon Touch Pros. After Flashing and testing I’ve found that a page pool of 8 does not effect the Rom stability and yet provides a nice RAM boost for our devices. Ok now on to the goodness

Ok so you've unlocked your Touch Pro and downloaded the MIGHTY5_4_21_09.rar file to your desktop by going here:

Unzip the MIGHTY5_4_21_09.rar file into the Flashing RUU folder where your going to do the flash then use the following steps.

1) Navigate to the Flashing RUU folder, then navigate to where you unzipped Mighty Rom 5. (It will also be named RUU. I usually rename it to the Rom version I'm about to flash so theres no confusion with the actual Flashing RUU folder)

2) Select the program in the folder that says PAGEPOOL CHANGER.

3) After it loads, a screen will pop up. You click on SELECT. Another screen will pop up. Select the ROM image "RUU_Signed.nbh" and click OPEN

4) Now on the screen you will see the little bubble next to the number 16 is selected. Use the pointer and select the 8 bubble and make sure the . is in it.

5) On the same screen once your finished click CHANGE TO and then wait a moment while it does it's thing and then click close.

6) Now you will be back in the same directory as the Mighty Rom image you just changed. Copy and paste the RUU_Signed.nbh file into the RUU folder and now flash the ROM to your device by putting your device into bootloader mode and then using ROMupdateutility.

7) After it totally finishes the flashing procedure, you set the screen and all customizations are installed, it will soft reset and you are at the Home screen. Click on Start, setting, CLEAR STORAGE, type in 1234, do NOT check nand flash and hard reset the device. It's very important to Hard reset after putting a new ROM on your device to make sure everything is set up properly. Junk can remain in your ram after a flash and cause problems. So again make sure you hard reset after the initial flashing.

8 )After it hard resets, you set up the screen and the customizations load and you are now at the home screen again, SOFT Reset the device by using your stylus and hitting the soft reset button by the Mini USB port. It's important to SOFT reset after a hard reset to make sure everything is set up properly.

Ok you are back at the home screen. With the Page Pool change you now should have about 42 megs of Ram available after everything loads if using Titanium home screen or 32 megs of ram using TF3D. You will also notice very little decrease in speed. As a matter of fact the Rom is super fast and you have the added ram boost for your apps. But wait.. Theres more ! We can get another 10 megs of Ram by following the next steps.

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _____

III. Disabling the Dialer for 10 additional megs of RAM

1) Download and install to DEVICE the advanced Configuration Tool attached to this post.

2) Load up Advance Config and navigate to the "PHONE" section and click on it.

3) DISABLE the DIALER by clicking on PHONE SKIN and then clicking DISABLE and then click DONE.

4) You will be prompted to soft reset the device. Do so..

You now will have after rebooting 52 megs of Ram available using Titanium Home screen or 42 megs if using TF3D..
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _____


1) To use the SMS/PIX/VIDEO message features you must install the Verizon Arcsoft cab to DEVICE. It works perfectly on my device. Click on the following URL, scroll down the single post to the VERIZON section and download Verizon_ARCSoft_MMS_5.0.69.44 cab

2) Some programs won't free up RAM properly after you exit them. I use a program from HTC Addicts called clear RAM. I use level 3 and it really does a great job of restoring your ram properly. Just be advised after using it it will activate the phone app and restart TF3D if your using it instead of Titanium. But when its done you will have your ram back and wont have to Soft reset. I've attached it to this post.

3) After a fresh flash and hard reset, its important over the next 24 hours to throw your Touch Pro some random SOFT reboots.

4) Since Mighty Mike uses telus, their SMS text is maxed to 130 characters. Install the sms160 cab attached to this post to up it to 160 characters. Install it to DEVICE.

5) You do NOT need to do anything with this rom or change any settings for the GPS to work. I've used both GoogleMaps and Microsoft Live Search and both work right out of the box without any need to mess with any settings after flashing. Make sure you update QuickGPS and are outside and not trying to use it inside by a window. Do NOT install lllboredlll's GPS fix with this rom. This rom automatically unlocks the GPS. If Quick GPS does not work, check to make sure your Location is set to ON in phone settings/services/location.

6) If you decide to update the devices Radio, you most likely will need to hard reset the device after you install the new Radio. I installed the Telus Radio and found the GPS wouldn’t work. I ended up hard resetting the device and all was well. I’ve had really good results with the Telus Radio. It’s definitely better than the stock Verizon Radio.
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _____

V. Verizon Native Apps installation and questions:

1) To install VzW Appzone application download the prime installer cab attached to this post. BEFORE installing it you MUST do the following for the app to properly Identify your device as a Touch Pro. Load up your Registry editor and follow the Directions:

Navigate to:
HKLM\Security\Internet Explorer\User Agent

You will see the value:
Sprint PPC6850SP

Click on it and change the value to:
480x640; XV6850; Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional;

Click done/save and thats it..

Now Install the Vz Appzone cab to the DEVICE and NOT while connected or syncing to a PC. It will work nicely now.

2) VzW GPS Navigator will NOT work with this ROM. It requires different GPS drivers that are not included in the ROM. Who wants to pay for free navigation anyways !

6) Visual Voicemail Does NOT work on the Touch Pro. This is a VERIZON issue and has nothing to do with Mighty Rom ! I'll update if Verizon decides to make the app work with our Touch Pro's.
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _____


1) If you happen to get the bug where your internet cuts out and tells you "Your SprintPCS Vision Username and Password are incorrect" here is the fix:

It will tell you to wait a moment while it examines your connections.
Highlight DATA #777 and click the EDIT BUTTON.
Screen will say DATA, click NEXT
Screen will say #777, Click NEXT
On the next screen type in the login information as follows:
User Name: vzw
Password: (the last 7 digits of your cell phone number)
Domain: leave this BLANK

Click Save password and click FINISH and your done.

2) Microsoft Voice Command Bugs.

When you install the latest Microsoft Voice Command to your Device it will give you an unrecoverable error at the end of the installation. Do not worry. It works properly after a soft reset except for the voice announcing which is a known issue. I’ve attached MS Voice Command to this post. To get it to announce calls, load up your registry editor and do the following:

Navigate to:

Change the value from VoiceCommand1 to Ring

Click done and save.

Navigate to:

Change the value from as5p to v0p

Make sure in settings/personal/voice Command that under PHONE in notifications its set to use both Bluetooth and device if available and under options make sure its set to announce calls.


If you have any problems or questions PM me or post them but SEARCH first ! If you have a Verizon Issue that you’d like added to this post please let me know. I would like to thank Mighty Mike and LilRico for the greatest ROM on the planet. I would like to thank Cochoz for writing the general FAQ for Mighty Rom 5. I would like to thank Arelas for the log in Info. And I would like to thank PPCgeeks site for such a great place to come to.
Frequently Asked Questions by: lordshadowz

Last edited by MightyMike; 05-01-2009 at 06:19 PM.
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