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Old 09-14-2007, 08:53 PM
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WM6 ext rom help needed here..

First off, hello. I am new here, but by no means new to modding PPCs/ROMs. I have also read a bunch of info here & there looking for the answer to my question but can't seem to find it, although I know I've done this before.

My question is (and I know I've done it before with the Apaches first "official" rom upgrade),
I want to be able to remove some of the apps installed with the unofficial WM6 ROM upgrade, but don't necessarily want to remove them from the ROM itself. What entry/s do I need to remove from the config file to list them in the remove programs list after a hard reset?

Awesome work BTW, my 6700 has been pretty much a paper weight for about a year now, but this adds some serious value to it. I plan on using it as just a PDA now & to use it with a BT gps dongle I have.
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