Thread: Radio help
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Old 04-21-2009, 06:04 PM
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Re: Radio help

With respect to the last post...I think the radio that fits YOU best in the area where YOU are at is what you are after.

There are 2 very good and popular radios out there right now (by consensus)

Telus 1.04 and the Sprint 1.11

I've personally tried both and the difference for me was night and day. I am using Sprint 1.11. Call quality was better, signal strength was better, data up/down was better AND heat was NOT an issue.

Now, I am located in Southern for you the Telus may work better. Bottom line is try them both, and see which you prefer. Better yet, try them all...and get a feel for them. Just make sure you follow the instructions on HOW to flash your radio.

Remember to unlock your phone first!!

Then go here for the radios...

And after you get addicted to "playing" with your phone...and want to try ROMs...GO HERE...

You'll find that custom ROMs will give you a much BIGGER BANG than what the stock ROM can and will give you.

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